I'm glad they changed Bolg. I don't need Lurtz 2.0. If I want that I can just watch FOTR.
Neanderthal Bolg >>> Teen Wolf Bolg.
Neanderthal Bolg >>> Teen Wolf Bolg.
I don't believe they didn't have they money 1 bit. With the profits the film company got from the first 5 films PJ would have had virtually an open check book.
I'm not saying it's a continuity error, I just think it's a dumb idea. It does lessen the impact of these brutal orc hybrids when we already have orcs that are not just the same size, but even larger.Why was Bilbo's ancestor big enough to ride a real horse? He just was. Just because Azog and his son were freaks doesn't invalidate the need for an army of large Uruk-hai. Who knows why they were bigger. Maybe one of Azog's grandparents messed around with a cave troll. Like one big unusually buff orc is this massive continuity error.
Why was Bilbo's ancestor big enough to ride a real horse? He just was. Just because Azog and his son were freaks doesn't invalidate the need for an army of large Uruk-hai. Who knows why they were bigger. Maybe one of Azog's grandparents messed around with a cave troll. Like one big unusually buff orc is this massive continuity error.
I don't remember any mention of Bolg and Azog being overly large in the book either.
I think I honestly would have enjoyed this Hobbit series much more if the overall aesthetic feel stayed in one vein, coherent. I enjoyed the Goblin King bits and the rabbits, and Mirkwood, etc. There were just these two distinct looks to the film that didn't mesh very well for me. If it had stayed in the fun visual vein, and not taken itself so seriously at other times, it would have been more cohesive. Oh, and maybe don't add all the extraneous story lines and unknown/created newly characters, and elf/dwarve love. Blech.
As someone else mentioned, I'll be looking forward to a fan edit, ditching all those extraneous moments, if it's at all possible.
I think better descriptions also are in the Appendicies.
Holy crap I'm agreeing with something you posted! Something bad must be going to happen. Agree to the red as well.
I think better descriptions also are in the Appendicies.
I love this site. I use it to refresh my memory at times and they've used the books to make sure the info is correct. It's something folks can use to help them make statements that are a little more correct.
Orcs of Middle-earth
I wondered if the Appendices gave better descriptions. I've been looking all over for my dumb LOTR novels but I moved a few months back and they're apparently buried in a box somewhere.I was surprised that The Hobbit made no mention of them being pale skinned.
Josh in the novel it seemed that Tolkien was suggesting that the giant bats in the battle were there to create a cloud over the orcs that would shield them from the sun. Was that your take on them as well?
I love, and I mean adore, Pacific Rim!
No accounting for taste, as they say.
I don't think Del Toro would have done as good a job as Jackson but I do bet he would have kept the dancing elves in Mirkwood as well as the talking birds. Those would have been cool to see.
I don't think Del Toro would have done as good a job as Jackson but I do bet he would have kept the dancing elves in Mirkwood as well as the talking birds. Those would have been cool to see.