I watched The Two Towers tonight for the first time in about two years. Like FOTR there are a good number of ways that I feel that the Hobbit films connect with this one and make it even better.
Even little things like Legolas being a more humanitarian elf in this trilogy but when he gets pushed past a certain point (like when Eomer threatens Gimli or he becomes upset at their odds in Helm's Deep) the old **** from Mirkwood can't help but come out a little bit.
I really like how the Elrond/Galadriel discussion plays about whether they should leave men to be "alone" and suffer their fate and how their old ally Saruman is now a puppet of Sauron after seeing them face down Sauron together in BOTFA. I know back in 2002 some people didn't like PJ adding elves to Helm's Deep but that plays even better after BOTFA. I thought a good number of other things in the Hobbit films were cool links, even indirectly. Like Eowen saying that the women of Rohan learned long ago that women without swords can still die on them which reminded me of the ever so slight parallel of the women in Dale taking up arms for the first time 60 years prior. Just those subtle evolutionary links that aren't direct references but that still just flow ever so nicely from one trilogy to the next.
I will say that the LOTR, even TTT, is just on a different level than The Hobbit. They are just so good, to me nothing in all of cinema touches them. But I'll never write off the Hobbit films because they are different or "less" or whatever. No way. They are incredibly entertaining in their own right and actually enhance the LOTR films. I'll always link them together. Hell BOTFA might end up being my fourth favorite film of all time when all is said and done. Can't wait for the EE.