Nothing will beat Boromir's death and that Amon Hen scene.
Nothing will beat Boromir's death and that Amon Hen scene.
Ween, If you need a shoulder to cry on i'm here for you.
My office hours are between 9-4 Mon-Thurs, just please remember your insurance cards and please complete the online pre registration process or arrive at the office 30 minutes early.
Also remember that Freaks forum doesn't count as Workers Comp.
My insurance doesn't cover it so I'll just curl up in the fetal position at Josh's feet.
Ok Josh, I informed my wife about why the Eagles didn't just drop them off at the Lonely Mountain.
She said that's a really crappy explanation, they already fly over harms way when doing rescues.
I give up, I told her to take it up with you if she didn't like AUJ.
I told her to get in line behind Jaws.![]()
That also works, just don't forget the booze.![]()
Really Blow her mind and ask her why don't they just fly higher? I mean an arrow can only go so far.
Nothing will beat Boromir's death and that Amon Hen scene.
Really Blow her mind and ask her why don't they just fly higher? I mean an arrow can only go so far.
Ween is going to be bawling in TABA
Me in Bold!!
I just think we are coming at this from two totally different perspectives.. You have read the books and have insight to what has happened and what is coming.. You see it as the whole...I could be wrong but I think maybe You can't help but see it as a whole. I know if I had read the story I would feel that way. It is also why I am more then willing to give it the benefit of the doubt that it will improve after the 3rd film.
However, as of now I just see it as the next chapter (Jackson made it this way don't blame me) thus I see just the film (even though I am somewhat familiar with the story)... And in that film I see a movie that gave us very little until Lake town. Like I have said... Take away everything from the end of the film until Lake town and you, up until this point, have missed nothing except for some PJ fan fiction.
As I have said, the EX version and the third film could help get rid of many of these issues but I still feel that PJ should have made this either 2 films or one long 4 hour movie.
As one reviewer said "It’s entertaining, it’s engaging and it’s got thrills, but all at the expense and to the detriment of what stories, narrative and filmmaking should be about."
Even the hints of that come at the last 40 min or lake town, which ever comes first, which is when I have said that everything of importance starts to happen.
Josh Let me stress again that I do believe that after the films are done that the problems I have will not be as important. However the story has suffered IMO due to PJ decision to make this a trilogy of films instead of 1 or 2.
If PJ really pulls off a great 3rd part and helps bring more meaning to part 2. I will sing the praises of this series just as I have of the original films. I will Return to this thread and say Right on Josh!! Right On!!
I don't know what to tell ya Jaws. I respect you're right to your opinion but for me it couldn't be more wrong.![]()
Cabin in the Woods motorbike jump fear syndrome
I don't know what to tell ya Jaws. I respect you're right to your opinion but for me it couldn't be more wrong.![]()
Ok Josh, I informed my wife about why the Eagles didn't just drop them off at the Lonely Mountain.
She said that's a really crappy explanation, they already fly over harms way when doing rescues.
I give up, I told her to take it up with you if she didn't like AUJ.
I told her to get in line behind Jaws.![]()
Don't be so sure. Many will die in the next one. I even think a Radagast will die and Tauriel will die with Kili. Just a feeling
Which will make Boromir's death even more noteworthy. He's the only hero that died in Fellowship of the Ring (if you don't count Gandalf's fall and Isildur's bane).
I have a feeling "There and Back again" will try and be this massive thing. "Oh look Dwarves vs. Elves vs. Men vs. Wizards vs. Orcs vs. Eagles etc." "Most deaths in a Middle Earth film!" "Culmination of the mythos!", "Gollum's back!" and throw everything it can at the wall for the audience, hoping it sticks. I bet it even ends with old Bilbo and the book to sort of "bookend" everything from not only the Hobbit, but LOTR and that world as well.
That kind of spectacle won't make any certain moment stand out. You just can't beat that slow mo fight with Boromir valiantly defending the hobbits against the Uruks (real, practical monsters) and being shot down by Lurtz but still going for it. I like Thorin, but I bet they try so hard to capture, "My brother, my captain, my King", but to no avail.