I think the comparison had more to do with trilogies and not so much Catching Fire... It's because DOS is just a true middle part of a story that it falls flat for some (me). This is coming at it from a pure cinematic point of view. Catching fire was a true begining middle and end with a cliff hanger... DOS was a Middle.... With a cliff hanger. What I myself keep trying to stress that as a stand alone film that does not work as well and left me feeling empty.
I did think that some of the criticism could be applied to TTT... And I think in a way I have. However there are great character moments and the film is allowed to breath with these quiet character moments. We are allowed to not only take in the characters but also Middle earth. My fav parts of the LOTR films and the first Hobbit film are not the action scenes but the character moments. TTT while not perfect had some good character moments. Just not as many as the other two. Something DOS was missing. Both are effected by being the "middle" part of a story. And while Return of the King helped TTT story wise I still find watching TTT to be less rewarding of an experience compared to the other two.
Also I keep saying nothing happened because as a story nothing did.. Sure there was lots of action. But since the characters were not given a ton to do and there was no real story to tell (only a middle) it feels like not a whole lot happened. Even my friend who enjoyed the film much more then I did said "it does not seem like there was much of a story in this one"
I mean I guess if you want to say there was lot's of action and things to look at...Then yes. A lot happened... But nothing that I found that was crucial to the characters or the plot of the story.. Not that made an appearance in this film anyways.
PS - I am really enjoying this conversation and hope that you take no insult to my views... And while I don't agree with yours or Josh's I do respect the different views and opinions and have attempted to see where you are coming from.
Like I said. I love these PJ middle Earth films. FOTR is in my top 10. I was surprised when I was let down by DOS and thought a second viewing would help... I was even more surprised when I liked it less.
Like I said before I am really hoping that part 3 will help me enjoy 2 more.