There are several shots where Legolas is doing CGI stunts. Watch it again and keep a look out. I don't even mind the Barrel ride or the Spider web parts. It was all of his other Ooooo Look at Legolas geek moments. The scene I mentioned before of Legolas sliding through the Orcs legs... Pretty sure he was digital there.
Like someone else said. Legolas had some moments in the original films but they were not like a "big" Legolas moment every time he was on screen.
Oh and I love the sliding down the trunk also... He gives that little cool "yeah I just did that" head nod at Gimli (see even I can be a Legolas geek

And if the reason the film was done with more CGI is because of the 3D well I know how you can fix that..... DONT SHOOT THE FILM IN 3D!!!! Not yelling at you Chev

personally I could care less about 3D (I always go to 2D unless it's a cheesy movie like Parana 3D) and if the film is taking a hit because of the process then that is a bad decision on the film makers part.
Now I will say that perhaps I am being too hard on the CGI in this film. After all it was in AUJ also and I did not mind. I think it has to do with the fact that I did not enjoy the film that much. Had I enjoyed it more the CG probably would not bothered me at all. Same probably goes for Legolas. Had I enjoyed the film as a whole more I probably would not complain about him either. But he stood out more because I thought he took away from the other "important" characters.
Well, the Spider scene were and Barrel were so out there that I didn't notice the other things which is fine. I'm surprised you were cool with those, and didn't like the other things.
Yeah, 3d is the main reason for extra CGI work and lack of Matte paintings. He should have shot in 2d but he didn't. For me personally, I walked into the film with willing suspension of disbelief. Since, I've seen Legolas do this stuff before I wasn't surprised. Had he not done crazy stuff in LOTR I would be more up in arms. Also, it's funny everyone picks on Legolas but nobody talks about Bombur's barrel whatever you call it sequence where he takes out a bunch of orcs.
Off topic, but since we're on Legolas and all his super human feats....
Why the hell couldn't he hit the berserker with the torch running towards the explosive device? I just thought of that now, considering all the stuff he's done in the entire series?