s it possible to have him facing forward as shown in the first photo I've quoted above in the besta or is the way you have it now the only way it'll fit ?.
Congrats everyone , sucks about the eyebrow but this looks incredible !.
Not really.
I have about a cm of room to angle him more forward but that's about it.
The other option would be to turn him around 180 degrees (not really a good option).
Also, I did have to drop the shelf to give him headroom, and the shelves on this Besta don't line up perfectly with the Vasbo doors. Meh, minor issue, I'm so happy he fits in the Besta, I don't care.
Pax would give you more angles probably, but I'm committed to Besta's, having purchased 6 already. Maybe one day I'll change.
My take on the eyebrows... if you stare at it, it will probably bother you. But the overall presence of this piece is so great that it will not bother many collectors I think. Casual lookers won't even notice (my wife didn't).
Put it this way, I'm currently trying to get a Hawkeye replacement, Spider-woman replacement, and even considering a Storm replacement for bad paint apps (Storm is probably acceptable though, so I'm not sure).
They would have to pry the Hulk out of my cold dead hands. Eyebrows and all.