The Indy Premium Format Figure Countdown/Discussion Thread

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This PF is just great- I love it and I will definitely be placing an order for one. :D

It does beat the CM for sure and will be much much less. Very nice. :rock
I love the Toyfare pics, but when are we going to get some official SS pics? I know there's speculation but is ordering definitely this Thurs?

And nice one with the bad dates Andy, got a good chuckle out of that.
Actually there have been changes since that photo was taken. They 86'd the idol altogether. Regular edition comes with bag full of 1/4 scale reproductions of your hard-earned money.
Exclusive has an extra hand with a motorized finger that twirls a pair of your girlfriend's undies (not included).
While not film accurate, I think both add immeasurable weight to that grin that Trevor worked so hard on.
Also this thing is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You would think that they would have someone over there to check the quality. Or make monthly trips to check on the production. If not that seems kinda silly to put that much faith in a production company over seas.

I would not mind watching over all those guys and make sure they don't F up! Hell I would do it for free!
I won't have internet access Thursday night, so I'll probably miss out on the exclusive, but -- BRAVO, all the same!

I would be surprised if he went up this Thursday... I imagine at least we will get a 1 week heads up, and possibly a PPO. This PF is a pretty big deal, I don't think they want anyone missing out.
This was officially previewed in last week's newsletter. I'd be surprised if it DIDN'T go up this week....
This was officially previewed in last week's newsletter. I'd be surprised if it DIDN'T go up this week....

Although the image on the site still says 'Details Coming Soon'. Hopefully it will follow like those old 'Ministry Of Information' teasers and give us the actual date and time of the PPO. I'm out this Thursday night and would be DEVASTATED to miss the EXCLUSIVE if it indeed does just go up for sale. :monkey2
Although the image on the site still says 'Details Coming Soon'. Hopefully it will follow like those old 'Ministry Of Information' teasers and give us the actual date and time of the PPO. I'm out this Thursday night and would be DEVASTATED to miss the EXCLUSIVE if it indeed does just go up for sale. :monkey2

I can't imagine this will be a PPO. If it follows historical precedence, it will go up for preorder this Thursday night. There have been a couple of rare exceptions to the preview, then preorder schedule, but I think they were both due to approval or production issues. Also, when it is going to be a PPO, the preview usually tells us.

So... I would get a family member, friend, or fellow Freak you can trust, to be ready to order this for you this Thursday night!!! :D
I would be surprised if he went up this Thursday... I imagine at least we will get a 1 week heads up, and possibly a PPO. This PF is a pretty big deal, I don't think they want anyone missing out.

Crap, I completely forgot about that... I was too focused on the new images :monkey3
I like the motorized finger idea. :D

I mean, what else can you do with that position, if the idol is indeed the exclusive?

In any case, I'll be living in a hotel for the next seven days, and I don't think I'll have internet access at 3.30 AM. Hopefully there's a few of the exclusives left six or seven hours later.

I like the motorized finger idea. :D

I mean, what else can you do with that position, if the idol is indeed the exclusive?

In any case, I'll be living in a hotel for the next seven days, and I don't think I'll have internet access at 3.30 AM. Hopefully there's a few of the exclusives left six or seven hours later.


Get a friend, family member or Freak to order for you!
AMAZING!!! :googleCongrats Trevor and everyone involved on a job extremely well done. To quote some mafia guys, "Just when you're trying to get out, they pull you back in!"
I hope there's a weeks notice, as I'm flying out of the country for a Serenity convention in London on Friday morning.
Maybe the exclusive is a :snake? But I guess the gun hand seems reasonable as the regular.
Trevor is going to make me a poor man if he's going to continue with this quality on favourite characters. I hope he's making Lavern and Shirley, as I'm not a fan. :D
I've got a semi-regular poker game on Thursday but I think I'm feeling the "sniffles" so I'll cancel that appearance to make sure this INDY is mine...
Remember guys that you can still order by phone if you don't have access to a computer with internet.

It's kind of weird, since we already had the preview I would expect the preorder on Thursday, but it's such a popular collectible I think it would deserve a PPO window.
This was officially previewed in last week's newsletter. I'd be surprised if it DIDN'T go up this week....

There will be a lot of unhappy campers if it doesn't go up Thursday night. My fingers are crossed but the "Details to be revealed soon!" has me a little worried.

If there wasn't going to be an exclusive for this piece there wouldn't really be any need for a PPO would there?