Super Freak
haha nice one dude! Headsculpt looks great in that picture
got me excited to get mine now. What are your thoughts on the figure overall? How's the paintjob on the face?
haha nice one dude! Headsculpt looks great in that picturegot me excited to get mine now. What are your thoughts on the figure overall? How's the paintjob on the face?
I am very happy with the sculpt paint job costume just not the dumb card pose the flames do not bother me that much because I am drawn to the joker, just a great job I feel!!! Be excited it is a good statue. Not perfect but I can not see anything wrong with it be careful putting the head in it gives direction because it does not sit well you have to move the costume but it tells you everything! I love it and I was sketchy about this. But like I said I know pple on here are going to ***** and moan over little **** but mine looks good so I hope they all are!!! Good luck buddy!! Really is nice great to get heath the best villain other than Darth!!!!
Looks just like the proto. So nothing to complain about.
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Unfortunately if you want accurate movie statues (with human facesculpts) you'll probably have to go outside of Sideshow pieces.
At least recently anyway.
Flash ruins every pic. I've seen flash make a good sculpt look like crap. It always looks betting hand in natural light. Let the bitching contine.
OK sure. Nothing to complain about.
Flash ruins every pic. I've seen flash make a good sculpt look like crap. It always looks betting hand in natural light. Let the bitching contine.
This has made me lose any faith in SS with their DC line. No way in hell will I pay $500 plus shipping for this. Afleck production headsculpt fail, Supergirl headsculpt fail, MOS headsculpt and PVC fail, Reeve's headsculpt fail, and Pfieffer Catwoman headsculpt miss. Who in the hell is OK ing this? For those who like it happy for you, but this is unacceptable to me. And the arthritic, severe scoliosis hunch pose is a poor choice. Bale headsculpt blows this one away, and many complained it was off. Compared to this, it's a master piece imo. Again, just my opinion. I am a huge Ledger joker fan. My upcoming momtoys 1:4 joker will go with my Bale premium format and $200 cheaper.
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