This has made me lose any faith in SS with their DC line. No way in hell will I pay $500 plus shipping for this. Afleck production headsculpt fail, Supergirl headsculpt fail, MOS headsculpt and PVC fail, Reeve's headsculpt fail, and Pfieffer Catwoman headsculpt miss. Who in the hell is OK ing this? For those who like it happy for you, but this is unacceptable to me. And the arthritic, severe scoliosis hunch pose is a poor choice. Bale headsculpt blows this one away, and many complained it was off. Compared to this, it's a master piece imo. Again, just my opinion. I am a huge Ledger joker fan. My upcoming momtoys 1:4 joker will go with my Bale premium format and $200 cheaper.
Unbelievable... It just never fails. Every single piece on every single thread, there is sure to be someone who finds a overexposed, super duper close up, taken with flash and will post it here and then ***** and complain about how awful it is... All the while ignoring better photos and better word of mouth... they will hold onto those bad photos and treat it as fact as to that is what the piece must look like. Wow... Just Wow..
Ya know... People who complain about these pics should put a camera two inches from their face and have the flash on... I think they would be surprised with the results.
Amazing how much better a piece looks with better lighting and a more normal viewing distance... But that still won't matter to some.

I am not getting this piece.. But if I was it looks like I would be happy.
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