Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog
Simply the best single player campaign I have ever played. Thank you Naughty Dog!
I'm happy the way the ending went down but I was extremely sad it was over.
Following up what some others have said...
I don't remember where specifically but it drag on slightly during some battle sequences. But I think that's probably because I was just eager to explore and advance the story instead of fight that many enemies at the time.
My old fatty froze twice.

Fortunately, I didn't lose any saved progress. And yes it did sound like a tractor on occasion.
I haven't tried any MP yet, I have to decide whether to do some MP, go back to Gears MP, replay on Survivor, play Tomb Raider or Play GOW: Ascension. Although the be honest, for whatever reason, I have no desire to play God of War right now. I'm leaning towards either replaying on Survivor or Tomb Raider.
Does this count as a spoiler? It's pretty early in the game so I don't think it does, it is definitely the funniest scene in the game

I absolutely loved this part and thought it was freaking hilarious. Although it was also kind of awkward.
They would be smart to. To cash in on it. I would definitely get one for my gaming room!
I still regret waiting and not ordering the post-pandemic edition but I have to remember the reason I didn't was because I remember how cheap the Marcus Fenix statue was after a while. Hopefully the same happens here because I wants it!!!