Yoda Man
Great work, C-Phan! I'm new here and just seeing your Gimli custom for the first time. If you don't mind me asking, which head did you use? The 12" doll head or the rotocast deluxe poseable figure one? Thanks!
Great work, C-Phan! I'm new here and just seeing your Gimli custom for the first time. If you don't mind me asking, which head did you use? The 12" doll head or the rotocast deluxe poseable figure one? Thanks!
Old thread I know(don't mean to necropost here)
Should I get chainmail for Boromir??
Old thread I know(don't mean to necropost here)
But, does anyone have a custom Legolas head they've got pics of?? Or would be willing to sell?? Anyway, please let me know.
I suggest you get in touch with Darren Carnall. With respect to Gipetto, Darren's resculpt is the industry standard for custom any Legolas.
Here's mine by way of an example:
Wow.......That's amazing, how much did it cost?? Also, I'm guessing you kitbashed the DiD Legolas, with the SS version? I'm planning on doing that myself.
Which DiD accessories should I get? I don't wanna have to buy the whole figure, unless I've got to.
"Real" chainmail?? You could try Cotswold. Either that or make it yourself. Dragon did some rubber chainmail that looked pretty good, nice texturing to it. If you go that route you may have to do some cutting and reworking to get the right fit (fortunately with rubber, that's not difficult). Your other option would be to modify one of the Ignite or Crazy Owners "mail" shirts. They are cloth, but can be made to look passable with weathering.