1/6 The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

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Placed my order. Show, character and future is too good to risk selling out.

I remember when SSC kept having to recount their stock for HT Loki v1.0; when they do that, you know its a near thing.

I think demand for Mando will be high. He's being discussed on FB by people who were not into HT collecting beforehand; a pic of Favreau holding the figure is currently making the rounds and people are like, WANT

I love the show and the figure looks great, but does anyone else find it criminal that Baby Yoda is not included. Hot Toys is honestly going to ask us to pay upwards of $150.00 for him most likely.

No you'll be paying $250+ since he'll just be an accessory for another character.
I love the show and the figure looks great, but does anyone else find it criminal that Baby Yoda is not included. Hot Toys is honestly going to ask us to pay upwards of $150.00 for him most likely.

Nah, IMO it was a rare, shining moment when a media secret was kept and I sat up from the couch potato sprawl *wasn't expecting that*. Props to Favreau & co. even Disney for giving up potential sales. Anyway maybe they'll bundle him with Kuiil or a blurrg, which I'd totally go for.

Tho I wonder if folks fussed at HT enough they'll put out a Mando deluxe version for Toy Fair ex or something with Baby.
[...]Anyway maybe they'll bundle him with Kuiil or a blurrg, which I'd totally go for.


I'd be very surprised if they made Kuiil and utterly shocked if they made a Blurrg. HT is way too safe and corporate to take those kinds of risks.
I remember when SSC kept having to recount their stock for HT Loki v1.0; when they do that, you know its a near thing.

I think demand for Mando will be high. He's being discussed on FB by people who were not into HT collecting beforehand; a pic of Favreau holding the figure is currently making the rounds and people are like, WANT

View attachment 474264

This picture clearly states the prominent differences in management style between Favreau and the hag KK.

Favreau is extremely smart to do this, maintain a good relationship with a globally famous toy manufacturer, one of the tactics to push The Mandalorian image to the audiences, just like Kevin in MCU.
It's also because Favreau is a nerd and actually cares about these properties (Iron Man/Marvel/Star Wars)

Kennedy is a producer. She was a very good producer. The current plight of Star Wars is a perfect example of what happens when you let a producer run the creative aspect of a project. Disaster. That's not what producers are for. They're meant to wrangle and keep the creative types on track and make sure production of the project is running properly. Kennedy should never have be left to run LucasFilm, you need a creative in that position, you need a Lucas. The problem with Lucas himself was that he became too big for any producer like Kennedy to control. So you have the issue of the prequels at the other extreme of this problem. Lucas was a creative who couldn't be wrangled and kept in check and Kennedy is a producer left to be a creative when she is clearly not one. But this is a discussion for another thread.
I have enjoyed everything she has done with the franchise. The current trilogy, Solo, RO and Mando. I would give her a raise.

This could have all been a train wreck but it's going great so far.
Its called rational observation, from business perspective. I couldnt care less about KK's characteristics in order to "judge" :cuckoo:.
I have enjoyed everything she has done with the franchise. The current trilogy, Solo, RO and Mando. I would give her a raise.

This could have all been a train wreck but it's going great so far.

I can't even imagine the colour of the sky in your world, but I'm happy you're happy with things. I genuinely wish I saw anything but that trainwreck you mentioned. To me, only this series has any hope at all. Though I do quite enjoy aspects of RO.
I can't even imagine the colour of the sky in your world, but I'm happy you're happy with things. I genuinely wish I saw anything but that trainwreck you mentioned. To me, only this series has any hope at all. Though I do quite enjoy aspects of RO.


Our baby all grown up :lol

I have loved Star Wars since i watched the 1st one 22 times in 1977 and all i can say is i have not enjoyed Star Wars as much as i am now since the eighties. It's obviously all my opinion but i am really enjoying it all.

Now let the hate flow thru you :lol (kidding) :peace
Its called rational observation, from business perspective. I couldnt care less about KK's characteristics in order to "judge" :cuckoo:.

Well from a business perspective I'd say she's done pretty damn good then. The only movie that fell flat at the box office was Solo, and even that one still has a ton of fans on here. The sequel trilogy may not have been as creatively fulfilling as we all may have wanted, but it's still made a bazillion dollars at the box office and managed to make general audiences actually care about and get excited about the franchise again, and made other shows like Mandalorian possible. And of course she also found the right people to save and turn a standalone movie like RO into a massive hit.

The biggest issue she faces is that there just aren't many directors or writers who know how to make SW work on screen. She's tried taking risks with more creative types like one would hope she would, but that's backfired at times. So thankfully she's found craftsmen like JJ and Favreau who know how to find the right balance and recreate the SW magic.

But like Subzro says, this could have easily fallen flat at the very beginning and not worked at all.
Sure, I regconize and respect both subzero and davejames point of views toward the curent leadership style and directions of Lucasfilm. However, shouldnt we dwell too far on this issue, each of their own I guess. Seriously I do not want this thread to be shut down and "cleansed the" second time, especially from certain ST zealots in here when it comes to these kind of controversial debate.
So anyone have any guesses what they might add to his armor/weapons for season 2?
I'm trying to think back to the mandalorians in the Clone Wars/Rebels for something else he could get (besides the saber) and can't think of anything.
So anyone have any guesses what they might add to his armor/weapons for season 2?
I'm trying to think back to the mandalorians in the Clone Wars/Rebels for something else he could get (besides the saber) and can't think of anything.

Not about his armour or weapons, but i was enjoying the "Standard tropes" in the episodes we saw(That we have seen done many times before, but with a SW twist): "bounty hunter doing jobs", "character changing his mind", "Heist episode", "Gunslinger comes into town and helps the locals", etc.
It was nice to see Favreau showing us stuff we've seen ten times before(And more, probably), but with that unique Star-Warsian twist. Grimy bars, aliens lounging about in back, blaster bolts, stormtroopers, tie fighters, speeder bikes, jawas, etc, but built around established stories that have worked in Japanese settings for hundreds of years, or in western stories for decades.
In any case, what i was hoping for, was for the characters we'd met in each episode to eventually team back up with Mando permanently, and season 2 would have been the entire team working together like a family(A bit like Firefly).
I'm still hoping he accrues more team players in season 2. I like the character, and love where they might be heading(Planet Yodal, home of the cutest little babbies you ever saw, and some nicely thought out answers for why they weren't all wiped out by Palpatine).
It's Star Wars. I like it. Give me more.
So anyone have any guesses what they might add to his armor/weapons for season 2?
I'm trying to think back to the mandalorians in the Clone Wars/Rebels for something else he could get (besides the saber) and can't think of anything.

Maybe those cool forearm circular shields? That?d be pretty sweet. But I also hope they add features to his armor we haven?t seen before too.