The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I have a question about Cara Dunes character. She was an ex Shock Trooper. I don?t know much in the was of SW outside of the films, but from what I read Shock Troopers originally started out as clones fighting for the republic/Jedi?s until the emperor took over and clones stopped being used. They switched it over to human troopers, and served the empire. How is it she was a shock trooper for the rebellion then? I must be missing something. Did she defect joining the alliance?

Ignore anything that isn?t in the movies except AOTC ignore Jango and son in that.

Oh and ignore Anakin in the PT.

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I don't think they meant anything in universe I think they just meant the general term of a shock trooper. Interchangeable with beserker, assaulter etc. Just a member of a quick striking unit. Cara was a rebel shock trooper so I take it she assaulted imperial bases and the like.

Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

How about the Emperor? Why would someone ruling an entire galaxy be even close to any battle? Can you imagine a president going to any battlefront to talk to some armed enemy to try to recruit him?

You are definitely not wrong, just one of dozens of headscratching moments provided by this franchise.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Dude survived a 60 foot fall off the top of a Sandcrawler and onto hard rock. Not exactly sure how "realistic" that was. Not to mention the huge hits he took from the Mud Beast, which would have killed him regardless of what armor he was wearing.

I think the best response I can think up at this time of day [I work nights, just got home] is that there are varying degrees of suspension of disbelief. Someone MIGHT survive a fall like that, stranger things happen all the time in the real world.

What gets me is the truly egregious crap.

And the needless killing of good villains.

Just joined Disney+, looking forward to seeing Mandalorian for myself.
I think you are feeling that because of its short run time but also remember it has to appeal to quite a large age range so the narrative has to be kept straightforward and simple at least for the time being lets see where it leads us.

Being set in the SW universe certainly makes it a winner for me but by now folks here know i?m just a sucker for live action SW lol

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LOL am just blow by some of the *critiques* tho folks are definitely entitled. I can srsly go pick apart the Mandelorian and every other film/TV show I ever saw.

Including my favorites of all time like TWS. Also am getting just a whiff - and more than that on YT - of "OMG he waz fighting a girl AND he didn't totally kick her ass!"

There's "straightforward and simple" as SW has always been - classic archetypes. And wanting something "really deep" at times ends up with me being bored and/or WTF. Remember sitting through the film "the Good Shepherd" and still mad about the hours of my life I won't get back.:crying

Mandalorian is like one of HT's better figs - every single detail is carefully looked at. My worst problem is I wish each chapter was longer. I wonder too if some of the TROS backlash is gonna stain Mandalorian; but gonna ignore that too. 'Coz I was mad at myself later for listening about Solo and IMO it's still to me surprisingly good. Interesting aesthetics and dark undercurrent. Some good performances. I wish they would do a sequel, even.:nana:

Also couldn't be happier that season 2 is in work AND my new Firestick makes everything on Disney+ so awesome I'm gonna upgrade to a BETTER Firestick.:lol
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Playing Devil’s Advocate concerning the improbable beatings he’s taken — what’s to say he has the same weaknesses as an Earthling? Perhaps they’re bones are stronger, and they take more brutal beatings than Humans. Just because they look like us, doesn’t mean they have the same weaknesses. Just saying...

Long live OT/Mando canon. :lecture :rock



I just hope they stick to this new narrative.

It?s weird they?re releasing new CW episodes all the while Filoni is giving a big middle finger to the CW episodes lol

Also there is no way in hell they don?t have a big reveal happening somewhere in the last 3 episodes.

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The show will continue beyond season one so I would expect some loose ends when the first season concludes. Also the last episode wasn't complete filler, we learned some things about the main character, he was humanized a bit(which some won't like), and he added another potentially helpful ally/acquaintance.

Well, Gina's in episodes 7 & 8 per IMDb, so hopefully we'll soon see that play out...

Friday is now my favorite day of the week.

Then taco wednesday.

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Friday was always my favorite day of the week (well, after 5pm :lol) , but even more so now.

Only thing that bothered me with episode 4 is that Baby Yoda didn?t get an actual name in the time they spent in the village. One of those kids would have given him one, surely. It?s becoming annoying rather than mystery building at this point. Mando I?m fine with, but Baby Yoda is going to permanently stick like ?Old Ben? if they don?t name him soon. Plus they can?t merch what isn?t named...

At this point the only name that will work is 'Yoda Jr.' - anything else won't be cute enough vis-a-vis 'Baby Yoda' to be accepted by the masses.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Playing Devil’s Advocate concerning the improbable beatings he’s taken — what’s to say he has the same weaknesses as an Earthling? Perhaps they’re bones are stronger, and they take more brutal beatings than Humans. Just because they look like us, doesn’t mean they have the same weaknesses. Just saying...

They revealed that he’s not a real Mandalorian. He was taken in by them after his parents were killed.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

They revealed that he’s not a real Mandalorian. He was taken in by them after his parents were killed.

He’s still an alien species of some sort, correct? Not “Human” per se...
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

He’s still an alien species of some sort, correct? Not “Human” per se...

The child version of him looked human to me. What is “human” in the Star Wars universe anyway? Was Luke Skywalker human? Han Solo came from a different planet, was he human?
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

I still cannot fathom to this day that there was no plan. For this reason alone KK should go. How in Gods name could you go into a Star Wars trilogy, in arguably THE biggest franchise in history, with no plan ???. And be paid whatever ridiculous money she gets paid..... It's seriously beyond me.

JJ and Kennedy have both said before that they had a general idea of where the story was going to go from the start (as everything obviously must head toward a final confrontation between Rey and Kylo); they just didn't lock down every detail in one story outline. And honestly I think fans make way too much out of that anyway. Lucas only had a loose outline for the OT which bears little resemblance to what we actually got, with the final movie being a radical shift in tone from the one before it. And the prequels frankly suffered from being too plot-heavy, and only concerned with moving the characters from point A to point B like cogs in a machine, regardless of whether it made any emotional sense for them or not.

Personally I prefer the looser approach they're taking with the ST, and think that so far they've made the story flow pretty naturally. The usual complaints about Snoke or Rey's parentage seem to me more like just cool and unexpected story twists than some kind of "betrayal" of what was promised before.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

@hen88: I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. “Human” is a relative term. Many species can look human, but they may not have the same physiological systems as Earthlings. Just because we have certain physical abilities and weaknesses doesn’t mean a human-looking alien species have the same issues. Vulcans look mostly Human, aside from the ears, but they are stronger than Humans, and their internal organs aren’t the same as ours.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Dude survived a 60 foot fall off the top of a Sandcrawler and onto hard rock. Not exactly sure how "realistic" that was. Not to mention the huge hits he took from the Mud Beast, which would have killed him regardless of what armor he was wearing.

Didn't it rain in the desert the night before the Mandalorian's fall off of the sandcrawler in episode 2? He's wearing a padded helmet with a thick cape on his back and clothes underneath that as well. Also I'm pretty sure that he has some armor on his back that's probably padded underneath too.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Berating Mandalorian for being derivative is pretty rich. All of Star Wars is derivative. Hell, George Lucas will give you a list of the things he was imitating. The original trilogy is literally "Stuff George watched when he was younger, but in space."

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That's what sequel trilogy creeps do. They pick apart the non-episodic Star Wars stuff for being "fan-service" and then they turn a blind-eye to all of the nostalgic crap in the episodic films. George Lucas should've handled episodes VII, VIII and IX.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

They revealed that he’s not a real Mandalorian. He was taken in by them after his parents were killed.

That's not correct. Mandalorians aren't race. It's a religion. If they will take care of you, you will embrace their habits as your own, you start dressing like them ... guess what? You are a Mandalorian, congrats.