The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I liked episode 4 fine. Magnificent 7 meets Mando. Babyoda remains shamefully adorable.

I wonder how long Mando will be tethered to this cute toy though? I can see this getting old in another 3 episodes. But at the same time, empty without that warmth.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Then why not do the same to the new movies. Using different stardards just because of rose tinted glasses makes those people lose credibility and come across as annoying.

Um... I do.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

No one is worst than the old people who ignore every issue with the OT then bash every movie in the franchise that came later. They are by far the most vocal. What do you think of the rose tinted glasses wearing hypocrites?

There are no issues with the OT.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

There are no issues with the OT.

Yep, the OT movies are homages to long-ago serials and the new crop of movies are just rehashed Star Wars stuff. There's a HUGE difference between the two. Plagiarizing yourself is absolutely THEE LAZIEST!
Why would Jawas just be on Tatooine? Everyone else travels in this galaxy so why can't Jawas? The pro-sequel trilogy schmoes are at it again. Tearing down The Mandalorian whilst turning a blind-eye to the "main" films. Sad indeed. This show already beats the ever-loving crap out of VII and VIII combined.
Cool, I like the word you used to depict AT-ST in ep4, "monster"...but "useless monster".

The moment both Mando and Cara realize this AT-ST was being controlled by the those org bandits. They go completely bananas and terrifying, tell innocent villagers to "move away" because this thing is "monstrous and unable to repel"....

And then, paradoxically, this "monster AT-ST" didn't hit **** in the film, despite its notoriously deadly reputation, and "unavoidably" single-hanlded by a strong female ex-shocktrooper :monkey3.

At least AT-ST did roast some Ewoks in ROTJ.

The AT-ST really couldn't go anywhere though. They built a ditch to keep the thing at bay. If it was able to roam around freely it would've wasted FAR more villagers in episode 4 of this series than ewoks in Return of the Jedi.
Ok so I am gonna be that guy....

I am actually getting less and less excited for this show, as it is basically stealing every trope from Films/TV past.

I know alot of SW fans like nostalgia but this series has had several blatant scenes stolen from other action films. Not to mention quite a few obvious story lines. There have been a few great surprises (mostly the first episode) but quite a bit of typical predictable TV.

Its also becoming quite formulaic. Basically its a tiny bit of story then pause for a over choreographed extended fight scene....every single episode has been this way. Its starting to remind me of The Dukes of Hazzard or The Lone Ranger. Think of simple plot move, then show the car chase , or gunfight...

I seriously hope this is not the pattern for every episode. We are 4 episodes in and essentially the story is a bounty hunter leaves his clan over not killing a child.

The last episode particularly was bad in my eyes. Very predictable and rehashed story. The acting of the villagers was pretty terrible as well. I liked the Mando / Child scenes, and the ATST thing was interesting, but the rest was pretty lame.

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So I'm guessing that you hate the force awakens then or are you just a troll?
An episode straight out of Stargate, "Oh hi traveller we need your help, we live in a pristine village where the sun always shines, the birds are always chirping and a pleasant harp is played in the background.
but oh NO! there just so happens to be a band of murderous orc's that live right next door what ever will we do....

If it wasn't for Star Wars there wouldn't be Stargate. Remember that.
Yeah, watched the episode again and it doesn't hold up in comparison to the other episodes; feels very cheap, very Star Trek(y), and nothing like the other 3. I've watched the other 3, three or four times and still get a kick out of them (and the fact that I like something with the Star Wars brand again has been really refreshing).

It's not bad - just very forgettable.

In each of the previous episodes, there's definitive highlights that my friends and I have all equally enjoyed and continue to discuss and relish. Unfortunately, not so here. AT-ST... what, that is acts more like an animal than a machine? Sure, if you think that's cool... but I didn't. The fight between the wrestler and him? Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before, done better. The Orcs? Forgot I was watching SW.

All just a bit blah :(

The newest episode allows people and the story to slow down and to know The Mandalorian a bit better. He gets a comrade in this episode, Mando also comes off as kind of vulnerable as well. He's not just bad-ass he's human. He also toys with just staying in the village and taking up an easier life. And the action is top-notch.
I am not sure if I missed it, but where do you suppose those buggers got an ATST? Just remnants of the empire that they stole?

It would make perfect sense that a galactic-wide empire would leave some stuff laying around after they got dismantled. Just think about how much imperial crap would be strewn and just left throughout the galaxy.
It's also interesting that the folks who are the most critical of The Mandalorian are the same who seem to staunchly defend the agenda fueled, OT antagonistic TLJ.

I liked TLJ and I am really enjoying The Mandalorian. I am curious to know, specifically, on what you are basing this generalization.
It would make perfect sense that a galactic-wide empire would leave some stuff laying around after they got dismantled. Just think about how much imperial crap would be strewn and just left throughout the galaxy.

You don't even need to be 'dismantled' for that. Even today there's a lot of Soviet era hardware in all kinds of questionable hands, but there's plenty of US hardware out there too, albeit outdated.
The AT-ST really couldn't go anywhere though. They built a ditch to keep the thing at bay. If it was able to roam around freely it would've wasted FAR more villagers in episode 4 of this series than ewoks in Return of the Jedi.

The villagers had a modicum of plot armour on. It could have taken down that entire picket line from where it was. Remember what one AT-ST did to insurgents in Rogue One.
I liked TLJ and I am really enjoying The Mandalorian. I am curious to know, specifically, on what you are basing this generalization.

Have you been reading this forum, or following the internet in general? To be clear, I'm not saying that ALL people who like TLJ are lobbing criticism toward The Mandalorian, but the loudest criticism that is forthcoming is generally tied to that group.

:lol :yess:

I just hope they stick to this new narrative.

It?s weird they?re releasing new CW episodes all the while Filoni is giving a big middle finger to the CW episodes lol

Also there is no way in hell they don't have a big reveal happening somewhere in the last 3 episodes.

I don't see how they can recanonize AOTC (at least the Fett portions) or CW now. They went out of their way to explain that the Mandalorian way of not removing helmets in front of others (even other mandos!) has been in effect since the CW. And they can't say "oh it's just this one specific tribe" because even the blue alien guy he picked up on the other side of the galaxy knew of the tradition.

So I just see the PT as first draft animatics for movies that were never really made. They can reference elements of those animatics in flashbacks or rebooted scenes but now there's no longer a scene by scene canon they have to adhere to. Mando officially undid all of that. Which is brilliant because now they can appease both sides. Throw in Super Battle Droids, McGregor Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, whatever, but we can just assume that those will all be alternate versions of the characters born out of "good" prequels we never saw.

As for this current episode it did seem like a missed opportunity to not give Baby Yoda at least a nickname (you'd think the widow, widow's daughter, or Cara Dune would have suggested as much) but just last week I questioned why they didn't clarify that he can at least take his helmet off when he's alone and then the very next episode did just that so I'm fine with waiting to see how Baby Yoda's name plays out. At least for this series we know that it's being done by a single writer who has the big picture in mind from the get go unlike the ST.