The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Nope. The ewoks were the only problems in the OT. The sequel trilogy is just a hack job, a mess and then wait and see on IX. The Mandalorian getting into trouble every week and NARROWLY escaping with his life is way more believable than a ridiculously perfect female character like rey doing everything right and getting into absolutely no trouble whatsoever. The Mandalorian puts way more realism back into Star Wars. Even you have to admit that.

Dude survived a 60 foot fall off the top of a Sandcrawler and onto hard rock. Not exactly sure how "realistic" that was. Not to mention the huge hits he took from the Mud Beast, which would have killed him regardless of what armor he was wearing.
This episode was full of feminists agenda, it was all about women, and guess what I bet baby yoda is going to find a girl like Rey, full of The Force, if he didn't found already. Did you notice most kids were girls?
Again, love the show, looking forward to each episode, but #4 was ridiculous, the cringe was nauseating, this episode was rubbish from start to finish.

This episode was also directed by a woman :lol, to be precise she's Ron Howard's (Solo bomb) daughter.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Dude survived a 60 foot fall off the top of a Sandcrawler and onto hard rock. Not exactly sure how "realistic" that was. Not to mention the huge hits he took from the Mud Beast, which would have killed him regardless of what armor he was wearing.

The Mandalorian injects some elements of realism into SW, but true to the SW style, plays fast and loose with physics, plot armour, etc.

Rey's character feats are not the biggest problem with the ST, the overall writing is.

I'm an ST hater but re-watching the opening of TFA today I found myself entertained, as always. They could have done something good with it but fell short.
Episode still did the job for me. Regarding, tropes I don't find that too bothersome as long as it's done well. The At-St presented as a "monster" is a good example. Its cool to see it in the star wars universe even if it's not necessarily new elsewhere. The whole show is built on lone gunhand western vibes so it was pretty clear from the get go what you'd be getting into. I'll agree that it definitely felt more star trek/stargate than the previous, but still enjoyable as a star wars adventure.

On the other hand it is tough to have characters just go off on an adventure that doesn't move the plot on a whole lot when we have such short run times and only 4 eps left.

We still haven't even seen Giancarlo Esposito yet.

Cool, I like the word you used to depict AT-ST in ep4, "monster"...but "useless monster".

The moment both Mando and Cara realize this AT-ST was being controlled by the those org bandits. They go completely bananas and terrifying, tell innocent villagers to "move away" because this thing is "monstrous and unable to repel"....

And then, paradoxically, this "monster AT-ST" didn't hit **** in the film, despite its notoriously deadly reputation, and "unavoidably" single-hanlded by a strong female ex-shocktrooper :monkey3.

At least AT-ST did roast some Ewoks in ROTJ.
Suspending it would be best... It needs to be high wherever it goes.

I might need to be high too to buy it.

Hey Wor-Gar congrats on the new tv. 75 inch is plenty big to me. I need to get my soundbar and speakers but man 4k movies really pop when you get the right player. You will see so much detail and see new things in everything you watch. My blu rays even look so much better than ever and the dolby is top notch. Some really great players out there. Sony has a nice one that isn't too much right now. I bought an LG player last april and it is awesome. We need Raiders in 4K now and Jaws.
Hey Wor-Gar congrats on the new tv. 75 inch is plenty big to me. I need to get my soundbar and speakers but man 4k movies really pop when you get the right player. You will see so much detail and see new things in everything you watch. My blu rays even look so much better than ever and the dolby is top notch.

Oh man, I can not wait!!! Its being delivered Monday.

We need Raiders in 4K now and Jaws.

Amen brotha!

What do I need from a 4K bluray player? Khev says Dolby Vision... anything else? I guess there's no 4K 3D players.
Cool, I like the word you used to depict AT-ST in ep4, "monster"...but "useless monster".

The moment both Mando and Cara realize this AT-ST was being controlled by the those org bandits. They go completely bananas and terrifying, tell innocent villagers to "move away" because this thing is "monstrous and unable to repel"....

And then, paradoxically, this "monster AT-ST" didn't hit **** in the film, despite its notoriously deadly reputation, and "unavoidably" single-hanlded by a strong female ex-shocktrooper :monkey3.

At least AT-ST did roast some Ewoks in ROTJ.

You do raise a great point


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Only thing that bothered me with episode 4 is that Baby Yoda didn’t get an actual name in the time they spent in the village. One of those kids would have given him one, surely. It’s becoming annoying rather than mystery building at this point. Mando I’m fine with, but Baby Yoda is going to permanently stick like ‘Old Ben’ if they don’t name him soon. Plus they can’t merch what isn’t named...
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

The Mandalorian injects some elements of realism into SW, but true to the SW style, plays fast and loose with physics, plot armour, etc.

Rey's character feats are not the biggest problem with the ST, the overall writing is.

I'm an ST hater but re-watching the opening of TFA today I found myself entertained, as always. They could have done something good with it but fell short.

TFA is just fine. JJ should've done the whole trilogy and i believe it would turn out much better overall.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

PT had a rough road map from the beginning. They tweaked and modified it on the run. What it lacks is character dialogues and directing.
ST seems like it did not have any kind of road map and that's where all the problems begin. Seems like a whole lot of LucasArts story group sat all day and ate donuts.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

PT had a rough road map from the beginning. They tweaked and modified it on the run. What it lacks is character dialogues and directing.
ST seems like it did not have any kind of road map and that's where all the problems begin. Seems like a whole lot of LucasArts story group sat all day and ate donuts.

Are you 100% sure the story group are even consulted for the saga movies ?? From all I've heard they are only included when it comes to books, games, TV etc and if Filoni is involved. Maybe consulted for the movies here and there if the director has a specific canon question, but certainly not involved in the actual writing itself.

I still cannot fathom to this day that there was no plan. For this reason alone KK should go. How in Gods name could you go into a Star Wars trilogy, in arguably THE biggest franchise in history, with no plan ???. And be paid whatever ridiculous money she gets paid..... It's seriously beyond me.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Not for OT and PT (Lucas himself was leading the Project and he had a vision of where to begin and where to end, especially for PT). But for ST, be it with story group or not, they should have written down keypoints right at the beginning. Of course, in a World where everybody urges to reveal spoilers before others and ruin the cinematic experience, it would have been leaked years ago.
Cool, I like the word you used to depict AT-ST in ep4, "monster"...but "useless monster".

The moment both Mando and Cara realize this AT-ST was being controlled by the those org bandits. They go completely bananas and terrifying, tell innocent villagers to "move away" because this thing is "monstrous and unable to repel"....

And then, paradoxically, this "monster AT-ST" didn't hit **** in the film, despite its notoriously deadly reputation, and "unavoidably" single-hanlded by a strong female ex-shocktrooper :monkey3.

At least AT-ST did roast some Ewoks in ROTJ.

Eh didn't bother me much. The at-st was in the hands of a bunch of dumb raiders, not a trained crew. Though I'm sure Mando and Cara weren't wanting to gamble on that which is why they tried to get the villagers to move on. Her being female doesn't have much to do with anything as shes got combat experience. More than Mando most likely. If she ripped it open with her bare hands or something I guess I could see that argument :lol
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Are you 100% sure the story group are even consulted for the saga movies ?? From all I've heard they are only included when it comes to books, games, TV etc and if Filoni is involved. Maybe consulted for the movies here and there if the director has a specific canon question, but certainly not involved in the actual writing itself.

I still cannot fathom to this day that there was no plan. For this reason alone KK should go. How in Gods name could you go into a Star Wars trilogy, in arguably THE biggest franchise in history, with no plan ???. And be paid whatever ridiculous money she gets paid..... It's seriously beyond me.

She'll be gone in January hopefully.
Cool, I like the word you used to depict AT-ST in ep4, "monster"...but "useless monster".

The moment both Mando and Cara realize this AT-ST was being controlled by the those org bandits. They go completely bananas and terrifying, tell innocent villagers to "move away" because this thing is "monstrous and unable to repel"....

And then, paradoxically, this "monster AT-ST" didn't hit **** in the film, despite its notoriously deadly reputation, and "unavoidably" single-hanlded by a strong female ex-shocktrooper :monkey3.

At least AT-ST did roast some Ewoks in ROTJ.

Yeah see, now we are applying some TLJ level criticism to Mando....

Good points all.

Also, what kind of ?uber? bounty hunter does not look up when tracking someone?

My 13 year old daughter even saw that lame old trick.

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Oh man, I can not wait!!! Its being delivered Monday.

Amen brotha!

What do I need from a 4K bluray player? Khev says Dolby Vision... anything else? I guess there's no 4K 3D players.

My LG 4k bluray player does 3d but I haven't ever used that feature on it. The dolby is the best feature on it for me. Since my tv and player are lg they configure to the best sound and video possible automatically. Once I got the tv calibrated it was like watching movies for the first time. I am happy for you man. I hope to see you still post on here after your all set up though. :hi5:
I have a question about Cara Dunes character. She was an ex Shock Trooper. I don?t know much in the was of SW outside of the films, but from what I read Shock Troopers originally started out as clones fighting for the republic/Jedi?s until the emperor took over and clones stopped being used. They switched it over to human troopers, and served the empire. How is it she was a shock trooper for the rebellion then? I must be missing something. Did she defect joining the alliance?
I have a question about Cara Dunes character. She was an ex Shock Trooper. I don?t know much in the was of SW outside of the films, but from what I read Shock Troopers originally started out as clones fighting for the republic/Jedi?s until the emperor took over and clones stopped being used. They switched it over to human troopers, and served the empire. How is it she was a shock trooper for the rebellion then? I must be missing something. Did she defect joining the alliance?

I don't think they meant anything in universe I think they just meant the general term of a shock trooper. Interchangeable with beserker, assaulter etc. Just a member of a quick striking unit. Cara was a rebel shock trooper so I take it she assaulted imperial bases and the like.