The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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It'd also be cool if he gets adopted and raised by people who can teach him proper grammar & sentence structure...


He has a Daddy now. Cara Dune foreshadowing: "it will break his little heart"...that's BONDING, that is. :chug

his first sentence will be "the way, this is..."

Anyway that might not even be to season 3, if they keep it real baby Yoda may not talk for a while.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

That's not correct. Mandalorians aren't race. It's a religion. If they will take care of you, you will embrace their habits as your own, you start dressing like them ... guess what? You are a Mandalorian, congrats.

So Jango Fett is Mandalorian in canon again since they’ve literally copied the same origin for this new guy.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

@hen88: I don?t think you understand what I?m saying. ?Human? is a relative term. Many species can look human, but they may not have the same physiological systems as Earthlings. Just because we have certain physical abilities and weaknesses doesn?t mean a human-looking alien species have the same issues. Vulcans look mostly Human, aside from the ears, but they are stronger than Humans, and their internal organs aren?t the same as ours.

Star Wars hasn?t been very good at explaining this, which is understandable because it isn?t sci-fi like Star Trek. It?s pure fantasy (more like Lord of the Rings). It all requires an enormous suspension of disbelief, and trying to explain it in terms of realism is pretty much futile.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

That's not correct. Mandalorians aren't race. It's a religion. If they will take care of you, you will embrace their habits as your own, you start dressing like them ... guess what? You are a Mandalorian, congrats.

Yes - I?m aware of this. According to the comics Mandalorians were comprised of many races, including humans.
Well, if Mando is raising him, his first sentence might be, "***** **** ******* ****, *****!"

It's Disney, so we won't hear it on the tv show, but c'mon, he's a bounty hunter and a Mandalorien, so rough around the edges.


And Favreau makes a great uncle and will give little womp rat his first beskar knife...:cool:

We need an R rated SW with Joker aesthetics lol

Sea cow breasts in 30 foot IMAX not enough for yah? Geez I think I blanked out completely at that scene first time I saw it:lol - sort of like seeing the Grand Canyon or an eclipse, but not that poetic. More like *&&^%!!!!!:horror
He has a Daddy now. Cara Dune foreshadowing: "it will break his little heart"...that's BONDING, that is. :chug

his first sentence will be "the way, this is..."

Just wait until 2025 when Lucasfilm begins a new film trilogy starring a suspiciously height challenged Mandalorian in full beskar armor who has near complete mastery of the force.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Some do. I and many others embrace them as part of the charm.

Then why not do the same to the new movies. Using different stardards just because of rose tinted glasses makes those people lose credibility and come across as annoying.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

That's what sequel trilogy creeps do. They pick apart the non-episodic Star Wars stuff for being "fan-service" and then they turn a blind-eye to all of the nostalgic crap in the episodic films. George Lucas should've handled episodes VII, VIII and IX.

No one is worst than the old people who ignore every issue with the OT then bash every movie in the franchise that came later. They are by far the most vocal. What do you think of the rose tinted glasses wearing hypocrites?
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Then why not do the same to the new movies. Using different stardards just because of rose tinted glasses makes those people lose credibility and come across as annoying.

The old Star Wars movies were born out of the old serials from the 30's and 40's and these new Star Wars movies are just tired retreads of the same stuff that we have already seen WITHIN this Star Wars universe! It makes WAY more sense for people to slap their foreheads when they see remade lazy-ass turds like the force awakens!
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

I watched the 1st Star Wars in 1977 on the big screen and i still have enjoyed all the prequels, sequels, animated and now TV shows (disappointed a little with the phantom menace). I was obsessed when i was a kid but i still understood they were just movies, far from perfect and not expect perfection and enjoy them for what they are.

These are really made for young kids (10 to12 i think) so i am happy that i'm still immature enough to enjoy them :lol
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

I watched the 1st Star Wars in 1977 on the big screen and i still have enjoyed all the prequels, sequels, animated and now TV shows (disappointed a little with the phantom menace). I was obsessed when i was a kid but i still understood they were just movies, far from perfect and not expect perfection and enjoy them for what they are.

These are really made for young kids (10 to12 i think) so i am happy that i'm still immature enough to enjoy them :lol

Yep, the creature that gets his arm sliced off complete with blood, another creature getting his gut sliced open complete with intestines oozing out, Owen & Beru's charred remains and Anakin taking a dip in a lava bath whilst screaming in searing pain all the while looking worse than Freddy Krueger is "for children". Yep.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Christ, if I have to read another worthless hot take about how "XYZ ruined Star Wars" my brain is gonna come out of my ears. Unsubscribed.

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Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Yep, the creature that gets his arm sliced off complete with blood, another creature getting his gut sliced open complete with intestines oozing out, Owen & Beru's charred remains and Anakin taking a dip in a lava bath whilst screaming in searing pain all the while looking worse than Freddy Krueger is "for children". Yep.

Just saying what Lucas said.

If a 6 to 12 year old can't handle that i feel sorry for them. They are milder than most cartoons. There are a ton of kids at all the Jurassic parks movies and they were eating everyone and crapping them out :lol

Jurrassic park was heavily marketed to kids and still is.

My kid would bring me the movie to put in the VCR before he could even say dinosaur he just said "sores".
For the older bordies who remember a guy who went by the name SNIKET......

He may have been correct about his vampire theory.

Follow me here.

The bounty was for the child, Mando over hears them say the need to extract something from the child, but not who wants it.

Midichlorians are in the blood.

Palpatine needs to return somehow.

So what of they are extracting blood from force users to feed to Palpatine, to restore him.

Clearly they had the child in a medical type bay getting ready to transport.

Those transponders may have been used to pick up force powers, which is why all they knew was the ?bounty? was for a 50 year beeped only as they Child was close....

I know agreeing with SNIKET may be a sign of mental illness, but you gotta admit , its plausible from what we know so far.

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Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Just saying what Lucas said.

If a 6 to 12 year old can't handle that i feel sorry for them. They are milder than most cartoons. There are a ton of kids at all the Jurassic parks movies and they were eating everyone and crapping them out :lol

Jurrassic park was heavily marketed to kids and still is.

My kid would bring me the movie to put in the VCR before he could even say dinosaur he just said "sores".

The scenes that I mentioned before would be a bit too much for a lot of kids especially the Anakin burning to a crisp scene. These Star Wars movies are intended for EVERYBODY! Not just children! Is Seven Samurai or The Hidden Fortress designed for children? Nope.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

The scenes that I mentioned before would be a bit too much for a lot of kids especially the Anakin burning to a crisp scene. These Star Wars movies are intended for EVERYBODY! Not just children! Is Seven Samurai or The Hidden Fortress designed for children? Nope.

I'm old i love them so i agree that everbody enjoys them i was just saying George Lucas made them for kids. His words not mine.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Ep4 's mediocre performance has strongly reinforced my thoughts to temporarily hold off any Mandalorian's related PO intentions.

I will have to thoroughly follow this series until the final episode to make sure I'm hooked enough.