The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

It's Favreau. You get what you see.

Favreau = Hollywood. If he was different or an original thinker he would have never made it in that town. I am waiting for the stinker episode(s).
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

I remember thinking when i watched that for the 1st time when i was kid how stupid those scenes with the Ewoks were. They had time to set up all the traps, logs destroyed armor, etc. It was cute and sold toys but that was it. Still love the movie overall but even as a child that took me out of it a little bit. At least this time it was a slightly more "realistic".

The OT had tons of problems but the old folks cheerily ignore them while using a magnifying glass of every star wars movies since then.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Indeed, the Ewoks and their b.s. did much to sour me on SW. The whole thing struck me as illogical; super-soldiers are not going to waste time carrying out a ground attack on a bunch of animated teddy-bears: they're gonna nuke the whole site from orbit, or at least napalm it. Why would they waste their time? The Empire lacked efficiency! They blew up whole planets but would not nuke a bunch of *teddy bears*?! COME ON

So, ok: I can certainly deal with ONE cute Baby Yoda. Let's not go full-on Ewok with the cute stuff tho.

Also good with the idea of not completely softening Mando. From what I am hearing about episode 4, ok that's enough of that.

How about the Emperor? Why would someone ruling an entire galaxy be even close to any battle? Can you imagine a president going to any battlefront to talk to some armed enemy to try to recruit him?
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

How about the Emperor? Why would someone ruling an entire galaxy be even close to any battle? Can you imagine a president going to any battlefront to talk to some armed enemy to try to recruit him?

LOL...because Space Wizards.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

The OT had tons of problems but the old folks cheerily ignore them while using a magnifying glass of every star wars movies since then.

Some do. I and many others embrace them as part of the charm.
Holy crap it just dawned on me that Bryce directed the ATST as if it was a T-Rex with the birds being scared out of the forest, the tree branches breaking noise and his footsteps thumping sounds echoing from the forest.

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Ok so I am gonna be that guy....

I am actually getting less and less excited for this show, as it is basically stealing every trope from Films/TV past.

I know alot of SW fans like nostalgia but this series has had several blatant scenes stolen from other action films. Not to mention quite a few obvious story lines. There have been a few great surprises (mostly the first episode) but quite a bit of typical predictable TV.

Its also becoming quite formulaic. Basically its a tiny bit of story then pause for a over choreographed extended fight scene....every single episode has been this way. Its starting to remind me of The Dukes of Hazzard or The Lone Ranger. Think of simple plot move, then show the car chase , or gunfight...

I seriously hope this is not the pattern for every episode. We are 4 episodes in and essentially the story is a bounty hunter leaves his clan over not killing a child.

The last episode particularly was bad in my eyes. Very predictable and rehashed story. The acting of the villagers was pretty terrible as well. I liked the Mando / Child scenes, and the ATST thing was interesting, but the rest was pretty lame.

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I think you are feeling that because of its short run time but also remember it has to appeal to quite a large age range so the narrative has to be kept straightforward and simple at least for the time being lets see where it leads us.

Being set in the SW universe certainly makes it a winner for me but by now folks here know i?m just a sucker for live action SW lol

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I think you are feeling that because of its short run time but also remember it has to appeal to quite a large age range so the narrative has to be kept straightforward and simple at least for the time being lets see where it leads us.

Being set in the SW universe certainly makes it a winner for me but by now folks here know i?m just a sucker for SW lol

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Oh I will continue to watch, as you and I share that common trait....I mean its a freakin SW TV show!

I just would rather not HAVE to include the obligatory fight scene every episode.

I would like to see more story , more lore, more history....especially history that does not pretty much rip off RO directly....

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Episode still did the job for me. Regarding, tropes I don't find that too bothersome as long as it's done well. The At-St presented as a "monster" is a good example. Its cool to see it in the star wars universe even if it's not necessarily new elsewhere. The whole show is built on lone gunhand western vibes so it was pretty clear from the get go what you'd be getting into. I'll agree that it definitely felt more star trek/stargate than the previous, but still enjoyable as a star wars adventure.

On the other hand it is tough to have characters just go off on an adventure that doesn't move the plot on a whole lot when we have such short run times and only 4 eps left.

We still haven't even seen Giancarlo Esposito yet.
[...]I have no idea what Rey's journey is, or even who she is. [...]

Well, our opinions on the ST are more or less the same, give or take. But just as an exercise, let's see what can be said about Rey:

"Upon a chance encounter with a stray droid, a young girl who's known only hardship and anonymity finds herself drawn into a galactic struggle between a dedicated resistance and a genocidal totalitarian force.

Plunged into the centre of a deadly conflict, she experiences frightening visions and discovers nascent powers within herself that she can't begin to understand, and soon encounters individuals she previously thought of only as myths and legends.

These mythic figures prove to be all too human and deeply enigmatic, leaving her more confused than ever even as she must confront forces of great darkness in the form of powerful nemeses, and the temptations her exponentially growing powers bring.

Unable to find her place in a troubled galaxy, her journey seems doomed to end before it's even started, as her new friends and allies suffer crushing defeat and losses at the hands of their enemies, while she is left with more questions and doubts than ever with darkness closing in."

When I look at that, I think 'Sure, why not?' Even if *at least* a third of that is basically Luke Skywalker.

My problems aren't so much Rey or even her journey such as it is, but what in my opinion is terrible execution -- the details of which I've gone on about ad nauseum so I'll spare us the recap.
Well just based off trailer we know Mando will eventually get a rocket pack.

I think he?s going to lose baby yoda if not during the next episode then probably the one after.

Something really bad still has to happen to him.

From what i?ve heard a large portion of the budget went to Taikas episode hence the smaller scale right now.

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Well just based off trailer we know Mando will eventually get a rocket pack.

I think he?s going to lose baby yoda if not during the next episode then probably the one after. [...]

1 season to find him and bond with him, a 2nd season trying to find him and rescue him?

On the one hand I can't see Disney killing the little dude, but on the other hand, Disney loves emotionally scarring kids. :lol
Episode still did the job for me. Regarding, tropes I don't find that too bothersome as long as it's done well. The At-St presented as a "monster" is a good example. Its cool to see it in the star wars universe even if it's not necessarily new elsewhere. The whole show is built on lone gunhand western vibes so it was pretty clear from the get go what you'd be getting into. I'll agree that it definitely felt more star trek/stargate than the previous, but still enjoyable as a star wars adventure.

On the other hand it is tough to have characters just go off on an adventure that doesn't move the plot on a whole lot when we have such short run times and only 4 eps left.

We still haven't even seen Giancarlo Esposito yet.

The show will continue beyond season one so I would expect some loose ends when the first season concludes. Also the last episode wasn't complete filler, we learned some things about the main character, he was humanized a bit(which some won't like), and he added another potentially helpful ally/acquaintance.
It's also interesting that the folks who are the most critical of The Mandalorian are the same who seem to staunchly defend the agenda fueled, OT antagonistic TLJ.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

The OT had tons of problems but the old folks cheerily ignore them while using a magnifying glass of every star wars movies since then.

Nope. The ewoks were the only problems in the OT. The sequel trilogy is just a hack job, a mess and then wait and see on IX. The Mandalorian getting into trouble every week and NARROWLY escaping with his life is way more believable than a ridiculously perfect female character like rey doing everything right and getting into absolutely no trouble whatsoever. The Mandalorian puts way more realism back into Star Wars. Even you have to admit that.
Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Berating Mandalorian for being derivative is pretty rich. All of Star Wars is derivative. Hell, George Lucas will give you a list of the things he was imitating. The original trilogy is literally "Stuff George watched when he was younger, but in space."

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Re: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale The Mandalorian Collectible Figure

Nope. The ewoks were the only problems in the OT. The sequel trilogy is just a hack job, a mess and then wait and see on IX. The Mandalorian getting into trouble every week and NARROWLY escaping with his life is way more believable than a ridiculously perfect female character like rey doing everything right and getting into absolutely no trouble whatsoever. The Mandalorian puts way more realism back into Star Wars. Even you have to admit that.

Okay - whatever helps you get to sleep at night. :lol