Its not an isolated complaint.
Whats the rush? Well are 5 episodes in and there has been no plot progression at all.
Mostly its been eye candy. While I am enjoying the sites and sounds as well, There is not much rewatch value.
How many episodes per year will be eye candy and how many with a plot and character progression?
My guess is its the Xfiles format. Single weekly episodes and maybe 3 arc episodes. The only issue is the single episodes are just kinda meh.....
Interesting talk here at well.
?The Mandalorian is a 100 million dollar show about nothing?
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*Shrug* Probably goes without sayin' but - yeah, I'll go there

(this is the way) it's like the TLJ divide, kinda. In the sense it's subjective to viewer (not that it ruined any number of peeps childhoods

And it sounds like what's bothering some folks is they want narrative with clear end goal established. The format of slow reveal of character, the underlying motivations of an unknown opponent, and the events of journey itself that change/alter both baby (who can be assumed to be taking this all in) and Mandalorian without known end goal is frustrating to some. (Esp. if u are into sports and really need the d*mn goal posts)
(Tho I'd argue the original SW itself didn't have much of an end goal - Luke is gonna learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. Han just wanted the money and to bail. It wasn't to drop a Ring into a fiery mountain - but even then Frodo and co. get involved in less-direct events.)
If u trust in Favreau - and I do - he knows all this stuff

. Heck, he made Tony Stark assembling armor and looking at holograms fascinating (IMO that kind of thing could've been boring AF if not done right). Even with IM, there was the "next mission" which isn't exactly a SPECIFIC threat. Vs. a film like TWS where the threats start out more vague, unknown and ratchet up.
I'm gonna enjoy the journey (esp. when knowing end goal doesn't necessarily help anyway
*cough* GOT & Justice League *cough*
). Folks are also forgetting the as-of-yet unknown puppeteer re the Client (listening carefully to the electronic garbled voices in episode 3 - it's something like "specifically said...bring it back alive" "i don't care what is is, extract the material you need and be done with it....") And not like Favreau and Filoni don't know the value of a primary villain reveal, either.
Personally luv the slow unpacking approach, all with an underlying, unknown threat, and Mando's heroic-archetype journey. It's the slow ratcheting I'd hoped for in IW and didn't get

(or like reading one of the better epic fantasy books)
But folks can always bail and binge watch to the goal when the series winds up. Am totally hooked with this one tho. Am ALREADY doin' multiple rewatches.

. 'Coz am getting TIME with characters and enjoying the *&^% out it

. U get to see what Mando can do and some history (vs the Gary Sue *&^%$ing when the big end climax happens, or just getting told "oh, yeah, he can pilot and knife-fight, because

Which the MCU movies didn't enough of either IMO - one of my peeves is pushing the huge Spidey/IM connection when WTF when did they ever actually spend that much time together? Guess I have to INTERPOLATE that....
Nope, if badass Mando risks his life for the Child I'll believe it, 'coz there's REASONS at this point.