So it's not possible for a chunk of that DS at or near its outer surface to have been explosively propelled out of frame while being obscured by that pretty fireball? Those bright red spots look a bit like projectiles to me, but whatever. The point is, IF (and yes, it's a BIG IF) TROS actually has a compelling story and is fun, I'm not going to let the throne room's survival derail my enjoyment.
Those hurtling plasma bits that are so hot they are
glowing red are a near-intact office, unbroken window and slightly damaged throne?
Sounds like you were advocating extreme cost overruns. It's a good thing you were a lowly engineer and not in management; Had you been, Palpatine would have force choked the **** out of you at the first budget review.
No, actually - the material that enables a ship/office to survive (
from up close)
a 15 mile diameter explosion is surprisingly affordable, so ALL Imperial ships can be made impenetrable.
We're talking about a universe where people can kill and/or control others with their minds, move objects with their minds, shoot lightning out of their fingers, etc., etc., and you're talking about
budgeting? Some people tend to pick and choose when to apply logic and reasoning to these stories. I've been guilty of that myself, but others can't seem to admit it.
I was merely pointing out that the "throne room" itself could have survived as a piece of wreckage, but if that huge portion of the DS that we saw in the first trailer is in the movie then, YES, that's pretty hard to accept. If there's a good explanation for how that could have happened then it has eluded me.
So an Emperor's office that survived
a 15 mile diameter explosion, a fall through a planetary atmosphere and high velocity impact with only light damage is just fine, but a chunk of DS superstructure that fell to Endor is where you draw the line?

I'd argue both are so stupidly implausible it defies belief (and yes, contrary to popular belief, fantasy is in fact a genre where cohesive rules and logic are majorly important, especially in how they mirror our world) but I admire those who have that kind of discretion.
It's impossible now to have any Star Wars thread without the butt-hurt constantly reminding everyone they are butt-hurt. Star Wars is now the ultimate man-flu.
It's nothing that a little diverso-toleranclusive nonbinarysplaining won't fix on Thursday.