Will they also explain how Palps' whole office.... and chair... and even (unbroken???) panes of his still-standing big circular window... survived INTACT after being in the middle of a planet-sized explosion?
I mean seriously... W..T...F...![]()
Did the dark-Sith-force-side-forceghost-healing-afterlife-thingie not only carry Palps' crispy, semi-dead corpse from the bottom of that bottomless shaft and safely out into space (?) but also create a force bubble around Palps' throne room and gently carry it down into the ocean on Endor?
You can blur your eyes and turn off your brain and imagine some kind of Force death-life thing preserving his body (or whatever - nowadays it's become so abstract and rule-less it's hard to even rationally explain,) but I'm not sure even Mando could ever explain how his chair and window pulled off a similar preservation miracle.
Well it didn't escape damage completely. The Death Star was the size of a "small moon", so relatively speaking his throne room would be like a tiny piece of shrapnel recovered from the Challenger explosion. Plus it exploded in space, so there was no atmosphere (i.e., oxygen) for the blast to feed on once the DS's artificial one was depleted. And if one assumes the DS's exterior had some kind of thermal shielding it wouldn't completely burn up when entering Endor's atmosphere. But having said all that, it still seems a strange choice to include in the movie. Then again, it could end up on the cutting room floor like Wakanda Hulk...