Overall - wow, wasn't expecting that. At same time wish I had kinda known, 'coz felt frustratingly unsatisfied. U b@st@rds

. Not completely surprised but d@mmit am already hooked.
IMO a couple of "emotional transitions" were kinda abrupt. I get it, but I would've liked a smoother flow. Like when Cara shifts to joining Mando, or when Greef throws in with Mando. I don't know how/where but would've liked to see more introspection from him. Like maybe looking at baby and looking at ground and u could see Greef thinking.
Don't think Cara and Mando would've been so trusting with Greef's men at their back

. I get it, but not logical IMO when Mando was covering the back in last episode, and Cara had offed a bounty hunter before that. I might've worked with that more. Tho those bounty hunters did seem like losers.
Pros (so many):
Bein' a treehugger always nice when a new biologic shows up. The volcanic environment. Firefight. Cara snark.
IMO Cara comes into her own

; and also great vibes of chemistry with what I think is the forming of the main team coming together for future seasons

. Also the backstories. Just that bit of arm wrestling. Small but great relationship/character building.
More "small stuff" that made it all a richer story IMO. Like Baby messing with the ship (after checking on grown-ups LOL) and doing toddler stuff like Force choking Cara

. Kulil's dignity in talking about his enslavement. The Client's comments on the fall of the Empire creepily Nazi-ish. Carefully threading IMO (in believable way) how IG comes back into picture. The interaction between Greef and Mando

Knowing both Mando and Cara have skated into some sketchy areas re their backstories. Plus, it opens them up to more interaction with "morally gray" characters. Pascal had said they'd be playing with light/dark boundaries and good to see it happen.
FINALLY a hint of someone having an idea of Child's abilities, but not too much at once. Made sense. (And IMO it's still touching that Mando doesn't even know what's going on here but yah know, just accepts it and rolls with it re baby. Great dynamic

Moff Gideon. Instant presence. Everything I hoped he's be

- tho brief. 'bought fell over when TIE fighter and Stormtroopers showed up. It was AWESOME.
Thankfully there's reasons why Mando would put baby in danger. 'Coz at first thought that was lame and out of character. Things go bad

Wouldn't say am HAPPY about last grim scene but yeah, they went there

Was like *holy &^%$!!!!* Then got mad 'coz CLIFFHANGER. U b@st@rds!!!!!

IMO great episode laying out groundwork for expected action blow-out last episode - coz, Favreau
