This is Gospel.Can we please stop treating Favreau like a god. Sure he's a fan. Sure he's trying to do his best. But...
He has as many misses as he has hits.
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This is Gospel.Can we please stop treating Favreau like a god. Sure he's a fan. Sure he's trying to do his best. But...
He has as many misses as he has hits.
Can we please stop treating Favreau like a god. Sure he's a fan. Sure he's trying to do his best. But...
He has as many misses as he has hits.
Can we please stop treating Favreau like a god. Sure he's a fan. Sure he's trying to do his best. But...
He has as many misses as he has hits.
I am liking the series in general but do have nit picks throughout watching. One thing I don't get about the last episode is the no killing thing. Mando killed tons of bounty hunters, Stormtroopers, Jawas, all the Bossk looking guys guarding the Child in ep 1, all the guys going after that village in the episode before, and then he's like, 'no killing.' I mean I get the guard was probably very innocent in everything, but it just made no sense.
Then he doesn't kill the 3 on the ship with him, who literally all tried to kill him and left him to die, but then gets the other 2 killed along with probably dozens of other people on that space station who had no idea what was going on.
That one had me baffled. Also has he killed anyone with a human face besides the bounty hunter who double crossed him? I feel like showing him kill aliens is really easy for them to do but they probably don't want him killing humans (directly anyway) too often.
The dude directed Iron Man 2 and Elf, he most certainly is a god!
I am liking the series in general but do have nit picks throughout watching. One thing I don't get about the last episode is the no killing thing. Mando killed tons of bounty hunters, Stormtroopers, Jawas, all the Bossk looking guys guarding the Child in ep 1, all the guys going after that village in the episode before, and then he's like, 'no killing.' I mean I get the guard was probably very innocent in everything, but it just made no sense.
Then he doesn't kill the 3 on the ship with him, who literally all tried to kill him and left him to die, but then gets the other 2 killed along with probably dozens of other people on that space station who had no idea what was going on.
That one had me baffled. Also has he killed anyone with a human face besides the bounty hunter who double crossed him? I feel like showing him kill aliens is really easy for them to do but they probably don't want him killing humans (directly anyway) too often.
Asta said:...the first episode as a Spaghetti Western style laconic killer, a cold professional bounty hunter. He finds the asset and he brings him back for the bounty.
Then he has second thoughts and returns to rescue him. The implication is that this is the first time he's failed to fulfil his duty to the Guild.
In spite of this change of heart the Child irritates him, and it's an invasion of the private space of his ship. He's irked when it plays with the controls and steals the knob from the lever.
As time passes he becomes more tolerant and finds an attachment to the Child. There's that significant moment when talking to the widow when his voice cracks, because he can't have the perfect life.
By the end of episode six he's subverted expectations. He didn't kill the three Mercs, he merely overpowered them and locked them up. He also now willingly gives the knob from the lever to the Child.
The Child is the instigator of both his physical and psychological journey.
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Theory Suggests The Client Is a Legendary Jedi Master
Without spoiling anything, I'm going to go ahead and say you're probably best off waiting to watch this episode and next week's back to back. It's very, very tense.
I Loved EP 7. Wow!
Good ep. all round, I was hoping they would lift it up for the final two & that was excellent! Nice bit of "we're getting the band back together" filler, although kind of expected. I hope the final has bit of resolution and not complete cliff hanger...
That TIE fighter landing was sweet.
A cliffhanger now?? Ugh....brutal!!