Yes releasing this now is fair play. It keeps the subscribers, drives talk and speculation (which is exactly what we're all doing) and gives the toy makers time.
Maybe they'll make Fett a grumpy old hermit.....
Total guess he'll be some kinda badass, if not actively working.
Don't particularly MIND him showing up, but since I don't "get" the Boba fandom (didn't read) 2 concerns:
1) Re-focus on this bounty hunter, as he's more or less known entity (even if filmwise technically dead). IMO too much re-hash is the road
to the Dark Side. ST couldn't let go; IMO a huge flaw. That said, IMO Filoni in Clone Wars and Rebels, and Mandalorian to me seem
to be able to keep the right balance of nostalgia vs. new (unlike the ST). And tell a reasonable story as to why the dead have returned.
(Unlike Palps, who managed to survive a fall of hundreds of feet and a pulverizing explosion. I guess the bits just floated around in
subzero space and reconstituted or something....)
2) For the diehards no matter what is done with Boba, it ain't gonna be enough. Or "right". Impossible position for F&F.
Tho it does give me an excuse to pick up the SSC Mythos Fett if funds available, maybe
. Like the look. Main Mando characters are a priority tho $$$$$.