The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Stan Lee was entertaining. :lol

And he showed up once per film.

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And so far Filoni has had a cameo once per season with a few lines. Not a big deal imo.

Even Favreau had a cameo last season, wouldnt surprise me if he has another this season too.
Williams Sonoma is selling Nevarro Numies Macarons for $50
And so far Filoni has had a cameo once per season with a few lines. Not a big deal imo.

Even Favreau had a cameo last season, wouldnt surprise me if he has another this season too.

I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, but IMO Filoni isn't on the same level as Lee or even Favreau, and he's no fun to watch on screen.
That base was a laboratory location of ongoing cloning experiments. The stormtroopers were out in plain sight when Din flew up to that level and had to shoot them. And those TIE's that took off from there to chase Greef and Cara wouldn't have pilots at the ready if they weren't stationed there to conduct flights to escort incoming materials and staff over the months/years of the operation there. You wouldn't have several pilots and gear there if all they ever did was sit around with their thumbs up their butts waiting for trouble.

I bring this up to point out that Nevarro was the location of a substantial skirmish with Imperial remnants in Season 1. You are asking me to believe that the New Republic remained unaware of an ongoing (active!) Imperial presence on that planet that they'd want to keep a close watch on.

To me, they'd be patrolling that otherwise nondescript planet *because* of the Imperial Remnant that became abundantly clear was operating there during last season's events. Yet flying by and never noticing Imperial movement to and from that lab? Never destroying the TIE's and transports that were out in plain sight in a region known to have active Imperial Remnant activity? That doesn't pass the smell test for me, but I understand that's just me.

Remember that episode last season when Filoni and the other guy destroyed the outpost no questions asked (essentially)? That wasn't even an Imperial post. So you don't find it inconsistent that they'd be able to spot Imperial vessels at that lab, on a planet where significant Imperial activity would've/should've been reported from last season's events, and take no action?

See my response above for more context. If you guys are cool with it, then that's great. But for me, it's just kinda shoddy. It can be very fairly dismissed as nitpicky, but this stuff tends to pile up. And it has been.

Again, Republic forces are spread pretty thin, so even if they knew about the significant Imperial activity from last season, without cooperation from the locals they wouldn't necessarily connect it with a supposedly abandoned station elsewhere on the planet. And being spread thin means Gideon might know their scouting patterns and schedule incoming/outgoing flights accordingly. And the place was built into the wall of a canyon made from the flow of a lava river. It wouldn't be that easy to see activity/personnel in that upper hangar, especially if one was doing a fly over. Mando using his jetpack could get a lot closer.
Remember that episode last season when Filoni and the other guy destroyed the outpost no questions asked (essentially)? That wasn't even an Imperial post. So you don't find it inconsistent that they'd be able to spot Imperial vessels at that lab, on a planet where significant Imperial activity would've/should've been reported from last season's events, and take no action?

See my response above for more context. If you guys are cool with it, then that's great. But for me, it's just kinda shoddy. It can be very fairly dismissed as nitpicky, but this stuff tends to pile up. And it has been.

Nope, not seeing it. Last season not only do the X wings show up because of a tracking beacon - which may have been identifiable as the one belonging to the guard, but getting ready to launch a gun ship didn't help.

Yeah, Nevarro sounds like it had a decent Imperial presence - Cara mentions they were dug in pretty deep - but this is 5 years after Endor. Also sounds like the new Republic has its own issues spinning up a goverment especially on outer planets. Like Tattoine - am sure the plan wasn't to have the Mining Collective move in.

So no, figure as long as the base didn't draw attention to itself, way out on the Outer Rim figure you'd be lucky if you got semi-regular patrols. Once in a while. I figure in theory that's what Luke and Han would be doing, smacking those jostling for power. But with the Jedi slaugtered they're kinda short staffed. Like the pilot sez, they could use Cara's help.

So I think a picture of a fairly fragmented Outer Rim with everything from Imperial holdovers to ordinary folks trying to scratch out a living to hidden coverts of Mandalorians has been painted pretty well. It's just a region where someone like Moff Gideon could scheme away as long as he's discreet about it.
Again, Republic forces are spread pretty thin, so even if they knew about the significant Imperial activity from last season, without cooperation from the locals they wouldn't necessarily connect it with a supposedly abandoned station elsewhere on the planet. And being spread thin means Gideon might know their scouting patterns and schedule incoming/outgoing flights accordingly. And the place was built into the wall of a canyon made from the flow of a lava river. It wouldn't be that easy to see activity/personnel in that upper hangar, especially if one was doing a fly over. Mando using his jetpack could get a lot closer.

Nope, not seeing it. Last season not only do the X wings show up because of a tracking beacon - which may have been identifiable as the one belonging to the guard, but getting ready to launch a gun ship didn't help.

Yeah, Nevarro sounds like it had a decent Imperial presence - Cara mentions they were dug in pretty deep - but this is 5 years after Endor. Also sounds like the new Republic has its own issues spinning up a goverment especially on outer planets. Like Tattoine - am sure the plan wasn't to have the Mining Collective move in.

So no, figure as long as the base didn't draw attention to itself, way out on the Outer Rim figure you'd be lucky if you got semi-regular patrols. Once in a while. I figure in theory that's what Luke and Han would be doing, smacking those jostling for power. But with the Jedi slaugtered they're kinda short staffed. Like the pilot sez, they could use Cara's help.

So I think a picture of a fairly fragmented Outer Rim with everything from Imperial holdovers to ordinary folks trying to scratch out a living to hidden coverts of Mandalorians has been painted pretty well. It's just a region where someone like Moff Gideon could scheme away as long as he's discreet about it.

That's fine fellas. I'm probably just misinterpreting things. To me, Mando sure seems to stumble into Imperials (not just on Nevarro, but in two straight episodes out in the open) while the Republic keeps on missing them. Yet they identify the Razor Crest in the middle of open space and are ready to blow it to smithereens for noncompliance. Seems like an odd juxtaposition - but I'm the only one, so I'll drop it.

Maybe the intent is to actually show the New Republic as selectively incompetent, and I just don't get it. Or maybe I'm jaded by growing up knowing how much intel a small Rebel Alliance was able to gather from a secretive Empire. Or how the Empire was able to track the Tantive IV, discover Yavin, and find the Rebel base on a completely remote and desolate ice planet like Hoth.

If 5 or 6 years to get the New Republic capable of governing the galaxy still leaves it so easy for Imperials to operate out in the open (even in massive ships as Khev pointed out) but outside of Republic purview, I guess that's intentional.

If that scene at the end of Chapter 12 needed to be there to set up Cara joining the Republic, I would've preferred that it not be done in a way that makes those Republic surveyors look like Mr. Magoo as fleets of troopers and vessels continue uninterrupted activity in the same territory they're trying to "investigate." That's all. :)
Transcript of a deleted scene prior to Cara calling the X-Wing pilots:

Cara : You're crazy Greef, you know that? You really think that you can get a dangerous troop carrier like that past IGG quarantine?

Greef : How can they impound it if they don't know about it?

Cara : Oh, they *will* know about it, Greef, from me. Just like they'll know that you were responsible for the deaths of 158 colonists here.

Greef : Wait a second...

Cara : You sent them to that lab.

Greef : You're wrong.

Cara : I just checked the colony log. Dated 0-6-1-2-7-9, signed Greef, Karga J. You sent them out there and you didn't even warn them. Why didn't you warn them, Greef?

Greef : Okay, look. What if that lab didn't even exist, huh? Did you ever think about that? I didn't know! So now, if I went in and made a major security issue out of it, everybody steps in. The New Republic steps in, and there are no exclusive rights for anybody; nobody wins. So I made a decision and it was... wrong. It was a bad call, Cara. It was a bad call.

Cara : Bad call?

[Cara grabs Greef by his vest and shoves him against a wall]

Cara : Those volunteers are *dead*, Greef! Don't you have any idea what you have done here? Well, I'm gonna make sure they nail you right to the wall for this! You're not gonna sleaze your way out of this one! Right to the wall!
Transcript of a deleted scene prior to Cara calling the X-Wing pilots:

Cara : You're crazy Greef, you know that? You really think that you can get a dangerous troop carrier like that past IGG quarantine?

Greef : How can they impound it if they don't know about it?

Cara : Oh, they *will* know about it, Greef, from me. Just like they'll know that you were responsible for the deaths of 158 colonists here.

Greef : Wait a second...

Cara : You sent them to that lab.

Greef : You're wrong.

Cara : I just checked the colony log. Dated 0-6-1-2-7-9, signed Greef, Karga J. You sent them out there and you didn't even warn them. Why didn't you warn them, Greef?

Greef : Okay, look. What if that lab didn't even exist, huh? Did you ever think about that? I didn't know! So now, if I went in and made a major security issue out of it, everybody steps in. The New Republic steps in, and there are no exclusive rights for anybody; nobody wins. So I made a decision and it was... wrong. It was a bad call, Cara. It was a bad call.

Cara : Bad call?

[Cara grabs Greef by his vest and shoves him against a wall]

Cara : Those volunteers are *dead*, Greef! Don't you have any idea what you have done here? Well, I'm gonna make sure they nail you right to the wall for this! You're not gonna sleaze your way out of this one! Right to the wall!

:lol :lol :lol

Greef Karga = Paul Reiser. Now *that's* an association only Khev could draw. :lol
That's fine fellas. I'm probably just misinterpreting things. To me, Mando sure seems to stumble into Imperials (not just on Nevarro, but in two straight episodes out in the open) while the Republic keeps on missing them. Yet they identify the Razor Crest in the middle of open space and are ready to blow it to smithereens for noncompliance. Seems like an odd juxtaposition - but I'm the only one, so I'll drop it.

Maybe the intent is to actually show the New Republic as selectively incompetent, and I just don't get it. Or maybe I'm jaded by growing up knowing how much intel a small Rebel Alliance was able to gather from a secretive Empire. Or how the Empire was able to track the Tantive IV, discover Yavin, and find the Rebel base on a completely remote and desolate ice planet like Hoth.


You bring up valid points. So far we've seen a fairly heavy Imperial Remnant presence operating in plain view, and like ... 2 or 3 X-Wings that have nothing better to do than eat donuts, harass bounty hunters and shoot at sitting ducks.

I dunno ... maybe they ran out of Bothans. Many died leading up to ROTJ. :monkey3
You bring up valid points. So far we've seen a fairly heavy Imperial Remnant presence operating in plain view, and like ... 2 or 3 X-Wings that have nothing better to do than eat donuts, harass bounty hunters and shoot at sitting ducks.

I dunno ... maybe they ran out of Bothans. Many died leading up to ROTJ. :monkey3


This is why I love this community sometimes. :lol
:lol :lol

I was tempted to use the "expendable asset" exchange from Predator to transpose Greef with Dillon but Ripley and Burke are way more fun, lol.

I can't believe they had Din lock arms with Carl Weathers in a close-up after stepping off the Crest and didn't have him say, "Greef, you son of a *****!" Dammit.
With regard to the discussion about how good a job the New Republic is doing on keeping tabs on the lingering Imperials I agree that Nevarro probably would have been better served staying largely off the grid with no X-Wings showing up. And the full on Imperial cruiser docking at a public port in the previous episode raises eyebrows as well. But those are small and in some ways even endearing missteps that are easily forgivable when everything else about the show is so cool.

If a SW show or movie is cool and the grievances are no worse than "why didn't Tarkin just blow up Yavin instead of orbiting it" then I tend not to make too big a deal about them even if they are fun to poke fun at when someone else points them out. ;)
I can't believe they had Din lock arms with Carl Weathers in a close-up after stepping off the Crest and didn't have him say, "Greef, you son of a *****!" Dammit.

Holy crap can you imagine. :lol

That would have been awesome, lol.

Then he could have said: "What happened to you Greef? You used to be someone I *didn't* trust," lol.
You bring up valid points. So far we've seen a fairly heavy Imperial Remnant presence operating in plain view, and like ... 2 or 3 X-Wings that have nothing better to do than eat donuts, harass bounty hunters and shoot at sitting ducks.

I dunno ... maybe they ran out of Bothans. Many died leading up to ROTJ. :monkey3

Well, I don't have a navigational chart for the SW galaxy (Why do I think someone here does? :lol), but they were harassing Mando near a different planet, so perhaps that was a sector in which The Republic had a more of a presence? Although having the same two pilots in this past episode doesn't help with that argument. :slap


This is why I love this community sometimes. :lol

Hilarious! :lol
I?ve read somewhere that the Death Star Super Laser essentially blows a significant portion of planetary mass into hyperspace or some such space jiggery-pokery, but regarding blowing up Yavin, it was a gas giant. Not the same thing, maybe, as blowing up a rocky planet or moon.

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I?ve read somewhere that the Death Star Super Laser essentially blows a significant portion of planetary mass into hyperspace or some such space jiggery-pokery, but regarding blowing up Yavin, it was a gas giant. Not the same thing, maybe, as blowing up a rocky planet or moon.

Dude, you just won "SW fan of the year" man. :rock

In 40+ years I've never heard anyone theorize that the DS is ineffective against gas giants. Well done! :clap