The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I love how tracking fobs are suddenly not a thing this season, lol. Never mind that last year every bounty hunter in the galaxy was able to pinpoint Baby Yoda's exact location at any given second but now all of a sudden Gideon has to pay a random alien to just hope that Mando randomly shows up so he can put a tracker on his ship by hand. ;)
Dude, you just won "SW fan of the year" man. :rock

In 40+ years I've never heard anyone theorize that the DS is ineffective against gas giants. Well done! :clap

They?re ***really*** freakin? big.

Astronomers have referred to them at times as ?failed stars? ? not quite enough mass for fusion.

(And thanks. I do have my moments. Not many of them...but I do have them.)

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I love how tracking fobs are suddenly not a thing this season, lol. Never mind that last year every bounty hunter in the galaxy was able to pinpoint Baby Yoda's exact location at any given second but now all of a sudden Gideon has to pay a random alien to just hope that Mando randomly shows up so he can put a tracker on his ship by hand. ;)

Thought about that too. :lol

I am *very* glad to see the fobs get ditched for this season. That was hard to keep looking the other way at.

But someone in the SW universe needs to invent a screening system for tracking beacons. Mando should know better by now than to take off from any location with baby onboard without sweeping for tracking beacons. The dude never learns. :nono
Thought about that too. :lol

I am *very* glad to see the fobs get ditched for this season. That was hard to keep looking the other way at.

Agreed. I just couldn't wrap my head around a non-universe breaking (way more than the Holdo maneuver!) explanation for how those things could exist so I'm glad they're gone as well.

But someone in the SW universe needs to invent a screening system for tracking beacons. Mando should know better by now than to take off from any location with baby onboard without sweeping for tracking beacons. The dude never learns. :nono

Nope, lol.
I love how tracking fobs are suddenly not a thing this season, lol. Never mind that last year every bounty hunter in the galaxy was able to pinpoint Baby Yoda's exact location at any given second but now all of a sudden Gideon has to pay a random alien to just hope that Mando randomly shows up so he can put a tracker on his ship by hand. ;)

Fobs are suddenly gone because he no longer has a bounty on him though.
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Ha ha, yes. I mean on the one hand they have these deep space X-Wing patrols that will harass lowly unmarked transports on the off chance that they're shuttling Imperial stowaways while massive Imperial cruisers operate in the open with easy to spot Stormtroopers walking around on the *outside* of the ship?? The New Republic doesn't have rewards for information about, oh I don't know, *massive Imperial cruisers* that make regular trips to fishing towns full of mercenaries eager to cash in on such rewards? :lol

It'd be cool if Chapter 13 began with Filoni and his X-Wing buddy heading back to their ships after questioning Greef and then you see the shady Mimban mechanic tinkering with one of the X-Wings and then quickly going about other business. Filoni and the Asian guy take off, leave the atmosphere, one of them says "okay once we log this report back at base they'll definitely send us some extra personnel to see just what the hell is going on out here. Prepare for lightspeed on my mark and..." and then something starts flashing red on their control panels and beeping frantically, they freak out and both fighters explode in the cold dark of space without anyone knowing what happened or where they were.

Actually, I think it?s simpler than that. We SW fans tend to see thinks and black and white , good and evil. But they are clearly trying to introduce that ?grey? concept into SW lore. The last 3 films were steeped in ?grey thinking? . This is how the real world operate and it?s also SW now.....

The idea that the Good guys (NR) would be totally right in all their decisions while blundering them , while other ?good guys? make BAD choices that support the ?bad guys? CAN exist in the same space.

I think it?s entirely plausible that the FO grew out of several type of people.

1. Fanatics devoted to the Emperor and Empire.

2. Factions whom had gained financially directly of indirectly from the Empires rule.

3. Those not affected either way, but fearful of getting involved due to the obvious repercussions involved.

These groups did not just vanishing with the destruction of DSII and the deaths of the leadership.
They would have been more than supportive of the FO coming around, especially if it lined up with the initial driving force which caused them to support the empire.

The leaders in the worlds such as Corellia, and Kessel would obviously not want freedom for people and would actively help the remnants of the Empire......I think it?s safe to say the Hutts would want zero law and order from either the FO or NR....

So , there is that grey again. It?s laughable to think people believe that the Rebels in the OT just ?took over?. That?s not what happened. They broke up a fascist regimen,
And reforms a broken republic, and seated themselves inside that republic.

They obviously became obsessed and paranoid about the Remnants of the Empire (rightfullly so) and lost focus on the NR , which led to the new leaderships downfall from lack of good faith.

Just one mans opinion but all the facts support it.

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Filoni ain't no Stan Lee. And now we'll never get more cameos. Thanks for reminding us.

He's no Alfred Hitchcock either.....or even M. Night Shyamalan. :lol

If you hate him in Mando, you will hate how many cameos he has in Clone Wars and Rebels etc. :lol.

Well, it least those are just his voice.
Filoni ain't no Stan Lee. And now we'll never get more cameos. Thanks for reminding us.

I liked Filoni's dry world-weary delivery. Got no problem if he shows up again; or Favreau. *Shrug*

It's just bit parts here and there.

Stan Lee is Stan Lee. But the (apparent) dream team of Favreau and Filoni IMO brought the energy back to SW - for the masses anyway. Not like I was anything but mildly interested in the series that night I clicked the D+ app button.

Now I've got a desk with overflowing HASBRO figs and two 12 inch Stormtroopers waiting to have their heads removed:monkey3, and wondering if I can squeeze out the funds for the Gentle Giant Mando and the Asajj Ventress bust, and am up at 3:30 in the morning 'coz can't wait to see what happens next.



Aaaah - that's better. The AWESOMENESS of even the reflections on the Crest can't believe no-one spotted jeans guy:monkey3

Haven't had so much fun since the MCU was in full swing.:cool:
Fobs are suddenly gone because he no longer has a bounty on him though.

And why has that suddenly changed? It was the Empire who offered the bounty on the Child the first time so why does Gideon ignore the perfect accuracy of fobs this time around in favor of the tracking device on his ship that is both risky to attach and still only takes you to Mando's ship, not the Child himself? Why doesn't Gideon just *buy* a fob for crying out loud and then hunt down anyone he chooses, lol.

They just don't fit within the established universe (probe droids would have never been necessary to ever find OT Luke, maps wouldn't be necessary to find ST Luke, etc.) and I'm glad they're gone.
And why has that suddenly changed? It was the Empire who offered the bounty on the Child the first time so why does Gideon ignore the perfect accuracy of fobs this time around in favor of the tracking device on his ship that is both risky to attach and still only takes you to Mando's ship, not the Child himself? Why doesn't Gideon just *buy* a fob for crying out loud and then hunt down anyone he chooses, lol.

They just don't fit within the established universe (probe droids would have never been necessary to ever find OT Luke, maps wouldn't be necessary to find ST Luke, etc.) and I'm glad they're gone.

The Empire contracted the bounty through the Bounty Hunters guild though, they don't have the influence they used to and Greef said he would clear Mando and The Child with the guild, so he must have done that, he was obviously a higher-up within the guild. He did the same for Cara too. Maybe they'll no longer deal with Imperial Remnants after the trouble they caused.

The fobs only work at close range anyway, he only finds the planet that The Child is on because it's the last reported sighting of him.
I guess it's basically like a fingerprint/DNA system or something but they are able to track that as well as being able to match it.

Plus Luke spent his whole life basically off-grid, I doubt he was entered into whatever system they are using for the chain codes or whatever. We don't know the exact ins and outs of how they work and I don't think it really matters at the end of the day, they only existed to further the plot, and they did their job, no longer necessary.
The Empire contracted the bounty through the Bounty Hunters guild though, they don't have the influence they used to and Greef said he would clear Mando and The Child with the guild, so he must have done that, he was obviously a higher-up within the guild. He did the same for Cara too. Maybe they'll no longer deal with Imperial Remnants after the trouble they caused.

The fobs only work at close range anyway, he only finds the planet that The Child is on because it's the last reported sighting of him.
I guess it's basically like a fingerprint/DNA system or something but they are able to track that as well as being able to match it.

Plus Luke spent his whole life basically off-grid, I doubt he was entered into whatever system they are using for the chain codes or whatever. We don't know the exact ins and outs of how they work and I don't think it really matters at the end of the day, they only existed to further the plot, and they did their job, no longer necessary.

On that we agree. And if they don't come back then no real harm done. They at least looked cool. :)
Carl Weathers on the Snoke link:

?I loved it, because there was almost no track laid to tell you what this was going to be about,? Weathers shared with Empire about exploring those concepts. ?And so as you followed it, the challenge for me as a director ? and I'm certain the challenge for Jon [Favreau] as a writer-producer ? was keeping people engaged, wanting to know what's going to happen next. And when you find out what?s really involved here, you finally get to, 'Oh man, this thing is much bigger than we thought.??

?When you listen to the dialogue, it's pretty much explained, without saying, 'OK, now let us tell you what this means!??
I think you guys are WAY off on the Snoke thing....

That?s not Snoke in those jars.

It?s a hybrid test to see if that can imbibe clones with the force. All a test for the Emperor.

Basically SW Horcruxes.

My guess is we see Dark Troopers made from reanimated dead. It was done before and F&F seem bereft of any original ideas, they just regurgitate old ones with style.

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I think you guys are WAY off on the Snoke thing....

That?s not Snoke in those jars.

It?s a hybrid test to see if that can imbibe clones with the force. All a test for the Emperor.

Basically SW Horcruxes.

My guess is we see Dark Troopers made from reanimated dead. It was done before and F&F seem bereft of any original ideas, they just regurgitate old ones with style.

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The quote I posted was from an article specifically about the link to Snoke. It seems like it was confirmed by Carl Weathers who directed the episode.
Try googling it - and you can of course make up your own mind:
I think you guys are WAY off on the Snoke thing....

That?s not Snoke in those jars.

It?s a hybrid test to see if that can imbibe clones with the force. All a test for the Emperor.

Basically SW Horcruxes.

My guess is we see Dark Troopers made from reanimated dead. It was done before and F&F seem bereft of any original ideas, they just regurgitate old ones with style.

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Agreed, it's probably not Snoke in those jars, but the implication is that these tests could pave the way for Snoke - i.e., bodies transfused with high M-count Jedi blood are likely the only ones that could handle Palp's essence, and here's the Empire creating those very things.

As for F&F being bereft of original ideas, they probably don't want to deal with flak from the Keepers Of The Star Wars Canon cult. Force dyad or Force healing anyone?