The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Agreed, it's probably not Snoke in those jars, but the implication is that these tests could pave the way for Snoke - i.e., bodies transfused with high M-count Jedi blood are likely the only ones that could handle Palp's essence, and here's the Empire creating those very things.

As for F&F being bereft of original ideas, they probably don't want to deal with flak from the Keepers Of The Star Wars Canon cult. Force dyad or Force healing anyone?

Of course we didn?t see Snoke himself. It all blew up. Nobody believes that it was actually Snoke in there. But we saw the process that will eventually lead to Snoke.
I think you guys are WAY off on the Snoke thing....

That?s not Snoke in those jars.

It?s a hybrid test to see if that can imbibe clones with the force. All a test for the Emperor.

Basically SW Horcruxes.

My guess is we see Dark Troopers made from reanimated dead. It was done before and F&F seem bereft of any original ideas, they just regurgitate old ones with style.

Wouldn't a Force-imbued clone for Palps already have been achieved by the time ROTJ ended?

Of course we didn?t see Snoke himself. It all blew up. Nobody believes that it was actually Snoke in there. But we saw the process that will eventually lead to Snoke.

Didn't Snoke start corrupting Ben Solo from a very early age (according to existing canon)? Keep in mind that Ben is already 5 years old during the Mando show.

Seems to me like all the TROS-related Sith/Force cloning would be happening on Exogol - in the "Unknown Regions" at an unknown time. That's where we even see the Snokes-in-a-jar.

And given the fact that Snoke was Supreme Leader when the FO was collecting kids to turn into stormtroopers, the secrecy/mystery of the Exogol timeframe seems to make the most sense for that TROS-related stuff.

Try to keep in mind that the EU "Heir to the Empire" story was set 5 years after Endor (same as Mando). In that story, Thrawn was being aided by Captain Gilad Pellaeon - a name that can be smooshed together for "Gideon." That plot involved a mad Force-powered clone. And Thrawn has long been rumored to eventually have a role in this series. Just sayin' . . .
Wouldn't a Force-imbued clone for Palps already have been achieved by the time ROTJ ended?

Didn't Snoke start corrupting Ben Solo from a very early age (according to existing canon)? Keep in mind that Ben is already 5 years old during the Mando show.

Seems to me like all the TROS-related Sith/Force cloning would be happening on Exogol - in the "Unknown Regions" at an unknown time. That's where we even see the Snokes-in-a-jar.

And given the fact that Snoke was Supreme Leader when the FO was collecting kids to turn into stormtroopers, the secrecy/mystery of the Exogol timeframe seems to make the most sense for that TROS-related stuff.

Try to keep in mind that the EU "Heir to the Empire" story was set 5 years after Endor (same as Mando). In that story, Thrawn was being aided by Captain Gilad Pellaeon - a name that can be smooshed together for "Gideon." That plot involved a mad Force-powered clone. And Thrawn has long been rumored to eventually have a role in this series. Just sayin' . . .

Maybe. We?ll find out I guess :)
Wouldn't a Force-imbued clone for Palps already have been achieved by the time ROTJ ended?

Didn't Snoke start corrupting Ben Solo from a very early age (according to existing canon)? Keep in mind that Ben is already 5 years old during the Mando show.

Seems to me like all the TROS-related Sith/Force cloning would be happening on Exogol - in the "Unknown Regions" at an unknown time. That's where we even see the Snokes-in-a-jar.

And given the fact that Snoke was Supreme Leader when the FO was collecting kids to turn into stormtroopers, the secrecy/mystery of the Exogol timeframe seems to make the most sense for that TROS-related stuff.

Try to keep in mind that the EU "Heir to the Empire" story was set 5 years after Endor (same as Mando). In that story, Thrawn was being aided by Captain Gilad Pellaeon - a name that can be smooshed together for "Gideon." That plot involved a mad Force-powered clone. And Thrawn has long been rumored to eventually have a role in this series. Just sayin' . . .

It sounds like you're proposing that Palps/Snoke already exists on Exegol and he's somehow relayed cloning tech info to Gideon and Dr. Pershing to aid in the eventual establishment of the First Order - i.e., Snoke is the precursor to the Dark Trooper experiments, not the other way around.
It sounds like you're proposing that Palps/Snoke already exists on Exegol and he's somehow relayed cloning tech info to Gideon and Dr. Pershing to aid in the eventual establishment of the First Order - i.e., Snoke is the precursor to the Dark Trooper experiments, not the other way around.

I'm proposing half of that. :lol I think Palps clearly exists on Exogol, and would have almost immediately after ROTJ. I also believe that Snoke exists in that time due to massive and organized First Order recruiting/buildup that would have to be pretty much underway during Mando (especially since troopers like Finn and Jannah seem well into their 20's). Also the Ben Solo corruption (in the TFA novel being stated to start essentially from birth).

The cloning stuff we are seeing in Mando is what I believe (hope) is the Disney canon version of Heir to the Empire. Maybe eventually folded in to ST stuff, but can easily remain unrelated.

I may have to track that down - it sounds good!

I think I'm being fair/objective in saying it was one of, if not *the,* most well-received and respected EU stories.
The Thrawn stuff is what really started the EU after RotJ came out, if I’m not mistaken. And with how Rebels ended, and where Mando is going, Thrawn is very likely to show up, or at least get mentioned, on the show in the very near future. That is very exciting to me as I am also a big Thrawn fan. Not sure what they could salvage from the old trilogy with how things changed canonically but it would be exciting to see nonetheless.
I refuse to watch TCW and Rebels. **** Filoni, **** his ****** waifu and **** his Chips. The Clone Wars Multimedia Project is my Canon.


Whatever TCW/Rebels character is introduced in The Mandalorian, I just pretend is a new character. Plus, I have enough cultural osmosis to know of the basic arcs already. I don't know, maybe I'll go and watch the Mandalorian/Bo-Katan episodes only. There's like only 10 of them according to the Wookieepedia. That said, I'm excited to see if Thrawn shows up. Or Mace Windu, according to some rumors, though I doubt them.
This episode was rumoured to just be a set-up for something bigger...and you know who that is.
Tim Zahn must be ****ing SMILING from ear to ear!!!

If LS shows up in this show...holy F!!
I feel like Filonis writing and directing is way more suited to animation, and its shown in all of his episodes so far.
Only way to get better is with experience. I thought he did well.

I agree, I dont think its a bad episode at all but its probably the weakest of the season imo, just as I thought The Gunslinger was the weakest of season 1.

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