Mixed feelings: This -absolutely- feels like the end of this series. And perhaps, with how this season has went, thats for the best.
*Once again, beautiful visuals. This planet of green glass shards is just stunning.
*Mando is back to snapping necks. About time.
*Definite Girl Power vibes. And someone please give the Armorer a damn blaster, PLEASE. Although if you have to have Girl Power, Bo is definitely your woman to have on board.
*What can I say about Grogu? A figure I both love and am pretty annoyed by. At the very same time.
*No mythosaur. What. This was a tease right up there with the Space Jockey. And we got.... nothing. That's right: nothing.
*Mando pledges to serve Bo-Katan. Then we are left with him chillin' on Navarro. Okay....
*No teaser for anything at the end. A massive letdown.
*The Darksaber is gone, Rebels fans are going to be SCREAMING on FB and I am going to go get some microwave popcorn before I go enjoy THAT.
Thought my boy Axe was a goner. I'm like dude... dude what are you doing, its time to go what are you DOING!
That relighting the Great Forge scene was pretty cool. So, Mandalorians have finally returned to Mandalore. Fair enough.
*Beautiful armors everywhere!
*Did Gideon have a crushgaunt?! It sure looks like he did!
*No Fenn Rau

And no Boba, SEE I TOLD YOU he was not gonna get out of the hot-tub and I was right.
I still love you, Mando, when you out there doing what you s'posed to be doing, all galactic Batman and stuff. So many loose ends and unanswered questions. I feel like they did you wrong and wasted so much time. So while this finale was what we should have been seeing all along, I cannot help but mourn what could have been.