The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Star Wars Theory is a little cry baby, even worse when he has that little cretin Josh on his shoulder whispering in his ear.

He complained about bricks and screws in Andor, can’t take the guy seriously.
What’s that got to do with the quote? I said he put it best, I didn’t comment on what I think of him as a person.
Cause he and Critical Drinker both have the dumbest takes out there.

Stakes have been the same since S1
Yet what he says is correct, the whole season has been the easiest choices possible and half-baked. So I don’t see how that’s a dumb take. I couldn’t care less who said it, it’s what is being said that’s important.
Also Filloni cameoing as himself again, this time in his dumb hat, was a complete take me out of the scene distraction.

As a finally I might have more respect for Djarin, if he'd been like- you got what you came for, Mandalor is yours, the tribes are reunited.
Armorer: This is the way. What about you and the little one?
We need to find our own way, ...then cut to them going off alone, with his theme music.

Same result, different attitude.
I totally missed that - was it on Nevarro during the IG-11 scene, or in the bar when Mando was talking to Carson Teva?
I didn't see him cause I don't really remember what he looks like. Budget Robert Rodriguez, right?
Yet what he says is correct, the whole season has been the easiest choices possible and half-baked. So I don’t see how that’s a dumb take. I couldn’t care less who said it, it’s what is being said that’s important.
People these days cannot separate the message from the messenger. I personally cant stand Star wars theory dude but agree on that point. As for Critical Drinker I think he is correct far more than he wrong so I do not dislike his takes, though the drunk scot act is a bit silly and some of the folk he hangs with I dislike.
Star Wars Theory is a little cry baby, even worse when he has that little cretin Josh on his shoulder whispering in his ear.

He complained about bricks and screws in Andor, can’t take the guy seriously.
I get why he dislikes bricks and screws (i think Star Wars should feel less like our world but Disney era keeps making it look closer, such as with woman eating pistachios) but to be honest there is no reason to think bricks would not exist in Star Wars and there was even a story element to them. Add to that that only 1 location had brick buildings and I think it is really not an issue. I would say the barely altered AK-47's took me out of it more than the sight of bricks.
Yet what he says is correct, the whole season has been the easiest choices possible and half-baked. So I don’t see how that’s a dumb take. I couldn’t care less who said it, it’s what is being said that’s important.
Yeah, but now it's being used as a critism when it's been that way since the start. It's always been a video gamey power fantasy with a near invincible protagonist. None of the protagonists have ever been in any real danger. In S2 they just use a Final Fantasy summon and bring out Luke Skywalker to save the day.

My issues with the season lay within the dialogue, structure of the story, over realiance on cameos and the general pacing. All of those were terrible this season. I'm here for the adventures and this season the adventures have not been good.
Yeah, but now it's being used as a critism when it's been that way since the start. It's always been a video gamey power fantasy with a near invincible protagonist. None of the protagonists have ever been in any real danger. In S2 they just use a Final Fantasy summon and bring out Luke Skywalker to save the day.

My issues with the season lay within the dialogue, structure of the story, over realiance on cameos and the general pacing. All of those were terrible this season. I'm here for the adventures and this season the adventures have not been good.
Okay I think the analogy is the problem here. Yes, it has always had that levelling up video game quality/feel from week to week. I think he means the writing’s like playing a game on easy, taking the easy obvious choices in every single scenario. I was praying Gideon would kill Bo during their fight just to give us something different and make us go “wow I didn’t see that coming”. Episode 7 was great, and episode 8 was pretty good, but the pay off needed to be so much more after the mess of the first 6 episodes. For example I can’t believe they spent money and time delivering us a giant crocodile and dragon fight, and almost completely sidestepped the Mythosaur in the final episode. Then they spend an hour telling us a story of a character, Pershing, who had barely had any previous screen time, and probably won’t have any further screen time, and then only get the story going in the 7th episode and then deliver us a 30 minute finale. The wasted opportunities are infuriating.
Is there an after credits scene I need to wait for or can I switch it off the moment the credits start to roll?
Okay I think the analogy is the problem here. Yes, it has always had that levelling up video game quality/feel from week to week. I think he means the writing’s like playing a game on easy, taking the easy obvious choices in every single scenario. I was praying Gideon would kill Bo during their fight just to give us something different and make us go “wow I didn’t see that coming”.
Fair enough, I just don't see it as that kind of show. Bo is a Disney princess, she wont be killed off.
Is there an after credits scene I need to wait for or can I switch it off the moment the credits start to roll?
There is not.
I had zero problems with the finale the ending just threw me off is all.

There was A-LOT of high quality WARS in this Star WARS finale so i’m good.

The visuals and action in this were next level way beyond anything ST offered I mean c’mon.

This is the stuff I wanted to see in AOTC this delivered on the promise of the Clone Wars!

Finally in live action, finally!
Yup, The fighting and action was pretty good overall with the real standout being the Mandalorian flight sequences 👍
Mixed feelings: This -absolutely- feels like the end of this series. And perhaps, with how this season has went, thats for the best.

*Once again, beautiful visuals. This planet of green glass shards is just stunning.

*Mando is back to snapping necks. About time.

*Definite Girl Power vibes. And someone please give the Armorer a damn blaster, PLEASE. Although if you have to have Girl Power, Bo is definitely your woman to have on board.

*What can I say about Grogu? A figure I both love and am pretty annoyed by. At the very same time.

*No mythosaur. What. This was a tease right up there with the Space Jockey. And we got.... nothing. That's right: nothing.

*Mando pledges to serve Bo-Katan. Then we are left with him chillin' on Navarro. Okay.... :unsure:

*No teaser for anything at the end. A massive letdown.

*The Darksaber is gone, Rebels fans are going to be SCREAMING on FB and I am going to go get some microwave popcorn before I go enjoy THAT.

Thought my boy Axe was a goner. I'm like dude... dude what are you doing, its time to go what are you DOING!

That relighting the Great Forge scene was pretty cool. So, Mandalorians have finally returned to Mandalore. Fair enough.

*Beautiful armors everywhere!

*Did Gideon have a crushgaunt?! It sure looks like he did!

*No Fenn Rau :( And no Boba, SEE I TOLD YOU he was not gonna get out of the hot-tub and I was right.

I still love you, Mando, when you out there doing what you s'posed to be doing, all galactic Batman and stuff. So many loose ends and unanswered questions. I feel like they did you wrong and wasted so much time. So while this finale was what we should have been seeing all along, I cannot help but mourn what could have been.
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