Perfectly stated.I’ve come to appreciate the simple undeniable fact that I have experienced these 2 greats in SW history:
1. Skarsgard’s epic monologue on that elevator walkway in Andor.
2. Visual realization of something I never thought I would ever live to see the day, jet pack armored armada flying in formation against another jet pack armored armada.
All due respect to Picard’s reunion and it was handled with respect but i’ll take those 2 anytime over the beat over your head nostalgia legacy trip down memory lane.
There were times in Picard final episode that I honestly think they were referring to their journey as actors instead of the actual characters they’re supposed to be serving it was really on the nose!
It was literally “Can you believe we’re together again on this set…I mean on this starship” levels of fan service on steroids dialogue lol
How did Carrie Fisher look better than Sir Patrick Stewart on film, his face is stretched frozen his mouth doesn’t move lol
Anyways I digress, sue me lol
Back to SW.
I feel that the current trend of a hardcore dry serious tone (Andor) and hardcore swashbuckling (Mando) is alive and well both are there offering different styles of SW to enjoy.
You can’t get more hardcore swashbuckling than armored warriors using jet packs with swords, guns and grappling hooks, you just can’t. Then add in the John Wick style action and i’m all set.
I’m in a great place with SW right now.
For Wor-Gar to say something nice about Mando S3 I know my feelings are not deceiving me lol
I was bummed out with BOBF / OBW but even they had amazing stuff on display mixed in with the unfortunate bad….you know just like with anything SW related after ESB.
I’m excited for Ahsoka and Acolyte now.
I’m looking forward to the live action version of Handy Manny.
Change of pace for me today though i’m going to church then going to go watch Evil Dead Rise.

I am very much looking forward to Ahsoka, not sure about The Acolyte yet though.