I think my issue with the Yoda-baby is the FX execution and to some degree the design, not so much the idea of it (which I'm intrigued by.) It just doesn't to me look very convincing as a physical thing - it's too blurry, lacking in finer detail or something. The design also seems a bit unnatural vs ESB Yoda, but I get they are thinking toys like with baby Ewoks.
I always loved the idea of making Yoda's species as a kind of "keepers of the force." That's why in my idea for the ST it would have involved some kind of monastery planet, like with all these Yoda monks in hooded robes walking among the mist with lanterns on poles or something.
For me this is why I don't mind the "Mary Sue" aspect to Yoda-baby having some fairly significant force abilities - because in my mind that species was always special with the Force. But that's just me. I can see how others might equate it with the Rey "no training but lifts 100 tons of boulders" or "no training but can kick ass with lightsaber" things.
I really like how they've fleshed out the Jawas a bit too. For all the love of Jawas, they have really been treated (for the most part) as pathetic pests throughout SW. We suddenly see them as smarter and more dangerous, even if there's still the humor about them. It reminds me of how Luke in the cut scene from ROTJ was staying at some kind of Jawa Inn/Lodge on Tatooine and he was sharing space with Jawas so we might have gotten to see them in a bit more depth.
It's not a Reek (one of the few things I really loved about AOTC, and bought the toy of) - it seems to be just a regular Ice Age rhino...