The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Yup, that's what I thought as well.

As for the tracking, I thought when Herzog sends the hit out on the Mandalorian, it was just that: "get the Mandalorian", who obviously was still in town. When Herzog sends the bounty hunters after Yodaling he gives them the last known location as well, if I'm not mistaken.

But in the second episode he fights some Bossk dudes who had Yoda trackers that allowed them to find him outside of the town.
No problem jye!

But I didn't catch that bit about him (the doctor?) reactivating the trackers... I'll have to watch it again.

Not the doctor but Herzog.

I think Mando played his hand as soon as he broke the code and questioned Herzog on the baby.

Herzog knew at that instant Mando would be returning so Herzog probably contacted Apollo Dillon asap.

I love it that we refer to him as Herzog, no character name lol

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Not the doctor but Herzog.

I think Mando played his hand as soon as he broke the code and questioned Herzog on the baby.

Herzog knew at that instant Mando would be returning so Herzog probably contacted Apollo Dillon asap.

I love it that we refer to him as Herzog, no character name lol

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But Mando returned to get another job from Greef Karga (Apollo/Dillon :lol) after what you're describing would've been "ASAP." He'd taken the time to get all new armor by then. No one's trackers were going off in that cantina (where Greef is always sitting at, apparently :lol), so the tracker was pinging the baby - not Mando.

Well, if the baby was activating trackers that whole time, wouldn't that be pretty stupid of Herzog? Anyone with a tracker (given or stolen) could learn the very valuable baby's whereabouts at any time before Mando ever took him back. And wouldn't the trackers be going off *all day* since Herzog's lab was within walking distance of the cantina? These things would be pretty useless to bounty hunters if they only pinged at a few feet away.

After Mando took the baby back, he didn't even get to reach his ship before he was ambushed by seemingly every guild member. There was even that one guy outside who seemed to be looking at his tracker (for some bizarre reason) before it went off. How does any of this make sense?

This is the plot device that not only turns Mando's fate with Greef and the guild, but also ultimately exposes the Mandalorian clan in public. It needs to make sense. So, since this all makes more sense to you than it does to me, help me out here, please.
But Mando returned to get another job from Greef Karga (Apollo/Dillon :lol) after what you're describing would've been "ASAP." He'd taken the time to get all new armor by then. No one's trackers were going off in that cantina (where Greef is always sitting at, apparently :lol), so the tracker was pinging the baby - not Mando.

Well, if the baby was activating trackers that whole time, wouldn't that be pretty stupid of Herzog? Anyone with a tracker (given or stolen) could learn the very valuable baby's whereabouts at any time before Mando ever took him back. And wouldn't the trackers be going off *all day* since Herzog's lab was within walking distance of the cantina? These things would be pretty useless to bounty hunters if they only pinged at a few feet away.

After Mando took the baby back, he didn't even get to reach his ship before he was ambushed by seemingly every guild member. There was even that one guy outside who seemed to be looking at his tracker (for some bizarre reason) before it went off. How does any of this make sense?

This is the plot device that not only turns Mando's fate with Greef and the guild, but also ultimately exposes the Mandalorian clan in public. It needs to make sense. So, since this all makes more sense to you than it does to me, help me out here, please.

Well I think they?re playing loose and fast with the time frame and locations to create tension and stakes and you know what it?s working.

They Fly Now!

Oops wrong series my bad.

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Don't know if anyone has posted this in here yet, but it's pretty hilarious.

The quick rundown is that the first tweet and subsequent reply are from a "feminist critic" regarding Mandalorian. Once she's told she's wrong, she proceeds to double down and play the victim instead of ya know just going "whoops. my mistake." She's put out several more tweets after the fact. All equally nonsensical.

Never mind the fact that she isn't just wrong, but the female character even seems to be this hideouts leader or at the very least well respected :cuckoo:
It's how you get attention, take something popular and find fault with it... otherwise, nobody would notice her...

The problem with girls like her is they muddy the water for real inequality issues for the sake of some attention for themselves... It gets to the point that your so sick of hearing whinny girls like her that you end up not wanting to listen to real legit issues for women... Your like "I don't want to hear it anymore"...
It's how you get attention, take something popular and find fault with it... otherwise, nobody would notice her...

The problem with girls like her is they muddy the water for real inequality issues for the sake of some attention for themselves... It gets to the point that your so sick of hearing whinny girls like her that you end up not wanting to listen to real legit issues for women... Your like "I don't want to hear it anymore"...

Oh definitely. To be clear, I put "feminist critic" because that's what she labels herself as, but there's nothing equality seeking about her or her ilk. It's just more victim crap while ignoring as many facts as interfere with that agenda.
I'm seeing the terms BabyYoda, Yodaling, The Little Guy, I've also heard GreenGizmo & a few others...

I've been driving the people at work mad by calling him Yo-bab-be. I like that one.