Super Freak
they sound great, thanks
Yesterday I Was looking around Youtube and found this amazing song, this is really good, the type I love:
Glad you like dude ;-)
If there's one thing the tube's good for it's finding new music!
So true!
Nice stuff man.
Still like igorrr and whourkr more.
Vocalist wise we have
Can't wait to get their new album.
They have not disappointed me yet!
Love this band. What an intro! If I'm not mistaken it is an interview with Joseph Kallinger
Is this vocalist crazy enough for you?
Oh I totally agree. Igorrr and Whourkr are in a league of their own. I think the "singer" in Whourkr doesn't even say any real words he just makes noises!
I think this live show totally fits to the mental image I hqve of them after listening to their music:
That is def some crazy ____ man. The last 2 are classic! Right nutters
I can only take these kinds of vocals in small doses though. While I have all 3 Gorod albums I only occasionally listen to them - when I'm in the right mood
Still more into to the crazy technical guitar work so if you know any I might not - let's have it!
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