Super Freak
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"
Skiman =
Skiman =

never gonna happen.
It's kinda interesting--there's an article on Gizmodo where they make the point that this might fulfill the original purpose of Netbooks which is something small, cheap, and easy to use that would allow casual users to easily be able to do regular stuff like listen to music and browse the internet. Whereas Netbooks all run Windows now so they're really just a poor mans laptop and not a solution for people who don't want a complex computer.
It seems like some of Apple's creations like this get mixed receptions because they're more advanced than another maker's version of something, but at the same time, come close but not enough to also being something else.
From what I gather, people using something like this for the functions it can do like it better than the competition and think it's got better functions, but for some people, it's almost on the edge of being a next gen laptop too, but didn't go that far, and it's a bummer item.
It's kinda interesting--there's an article on Gizmodo where they make the point that this might fulfill the original purpose of Netbooks which is something small, cheap, and easy to use that would allow casual users to easily be able to do regular stuff like listen to music and browse the internet. Whereas Netbooks all run Windows now so they're really just a poor mans laptop and not a solution for people who don't want a complex computer.
sorry man. there can only be one arnold. you know this.
The netbook was originally made for tech nerds who wanted a small device to run Linux on it. Now that the market has expanded and notebooks haven't sold as well as expected, netbooks are on the rise. Netbooks had a purpose, no matter how diluted that purpose might be now.
I don't see the purpose behind the iPad. Apple is smart, they will market this thing to every tween to 20-something hipster or to the soccer mom who doesn't know anything about Kindle. That's the market.
I don't see the purpose behind the iPad. There were already many tablet computers before the iPad.
and there will only be one SKIMAN!!!!![]()
Apple is smart, they will market this thing to every tween to 20-something hipster or to the soccer mom who doesn't know anything about Kindle. That's the market.
Exactlywe have to stop dis..... WE MUST!!!!
But i'm neither and I'm buying 2
There's no stopping the Apple once it starts rolling. Unless you're willing to kill Steve Jobs. GASP! I can't believe I typed that.
Well, you're a tween on the inside.
There's a video on Apple's site showing someone watching Up in its OAR. Then they double-tap the screen to show it in full screen. Hopefully that's what's going on with Star Trek here.
There's no stopping the Apple once it starts rolling. Unless you're willing to kill Steve Jobs. GASP! I can't believe I typed that.
There's a video on Apple's site showing someone watching Up in its OAR. Then they double-tap the screen to show it in full screen. Hopefully that's what's going on with Star Trek here.
I can't imagine they wouldn't have that option.
There's no stopping the Apple once it starts rolling. Unless you're willing to kill Steve Jobs. GASP! I can't believe I typed that.