The New(er) iPad thread. Now with iPad Mini

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Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

What is the point of uploading a blu-ray to such a tiny screen? The resolution is only 1024 x 768, I don't think it's going to matter if it's full blu or compressed a bunch.

:lecture:lecture:lecture:lectureif you want to watch blu ray talk to jye!:chew:chew
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

To me, the biggest drawback is no Flash and will probably prevent me from buying it.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

What is the point of uploading a blu-ray to such a tiny screen? The resolution is only 1024 x 768, I don't think it's going to matter if it's full blu or compressed a bunch.

would you even be able to differentiate between 720p and 1080p on anything smaller than a 32" tv anyways??
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

would you even be able to differentiate between 720p and 1080p on anything smaller than a 32" tv anyways??

I have a 23" monitor and I can tell the difference when I download HD quicktime videos. Then again, I also live with images and love detail so I'm really looking for it, maybe a more casual person might not pick up on it.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

I have a 23" monitor and I can tell the difference when I download HD quicktime videos. Then again, I also live with images and love detail so I'm really looking for it, maybe a more casual person might not pick up on it.

Ok so the average person probably wouldn't....on a 10" screen then. I can tell on my 32" TV, but anything smaller and I was told that its very hard to spot the differences.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

On something like the iPad, I'd really be surprised if you could distinguish, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't tell much difference between HD and standard Quicktime video at that size.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

I'll be the guinea pig!!! Can't wait to get one. I don't care what the haters say because I've been wanting to buy an eReader and this will be perfect + some.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

I'll be getting one too, I can understand some people's frustrations, to me, this product is a surprise, I'd been wanting a solution for my photography, now this comes along and there it is, couldn't be happier, it's just a bonus that it can play music, movies and all the other stuff it can do. I'd probably buy it if all it could do was the photos, I see it more as a tool of my trade like my camera and all that more than as a new gizmo to play with.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

Nice...I just think its foolish for them to charge for the USB adapter instead of including it. I sense a tremor in the force that by the second generation of iPads it will be included from the backlash of complaints.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

Between complaints and just plain ideas people come up with, I'd imagine there'll be significant changes in Gen 2.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

I'm sure it will. I've always skipped generations before thinking about re-buying because the improvements usually aren't that big for each one. I bought the first iPhone, skipped the first and second upgrade, but jumped on the 3G...and then skipped the 3GS for hopes of 4G capability on the next one. I did this with the original iPods as well.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

I'm sure Gen 2 could come with something I'd think oh that'd be neat to have, but for the purposes I'd want iPad, the features are already in this version, just got to pay the extra for the USB-Dock plug.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

<object width="512" height="328" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="ordie_player_f7a03edbd7"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=f7a03edbd7" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed width="512" height="328" flashvars="key=f7a03edbd7" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" src="" name="ordie_player_f7a03edbd7" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><div style="text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:512px;"><a href="" title="from Pee-wee Herman and Eric Appel">Pee-wee Gets An iPad!</a> from <a href="">Pee-wee Herman</a></div>
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

What is the point of uploading a blu-ray to such a tiny screen? The resolution is only 1024 x 768, I don't think it's going to matter if it's full blu or compressed a bunch.

The point of being able to upload a BD would be the convenience of not having to convert a BD to something smaller and less quality which takes time.
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

The point of being able to upload a BD would be the convenience of not having to convert a BD to something smaller and less quality which takes time.

So, you'd rather waste space on your iPad's limited memory? Have you forgotten how big a BD file would be?
Re: The Apple Tablet "The iPad"

So, you'd rather waste space on your iPad's limited memory? Have you forgotten how big a BD file would be?

Yes, I know the average size of a BD file is around 15Gb -20GB and some in the 30's -40's. That is fine since it would be easy to upload one at a time and erase when done which is what I currently do with my 64GB Lenovo X200 and that is a small screen as well. I would wait until a 126GB version is available anyways however the 64GB version could be used for watching any video file. Converting video to a lower quality and smaller video file is time consuming and impractical unless you have the time and computer power. This ipad with a 1GHZ processor would take a lot longer than your average desktop performing the conversion of HD material. However using USB, copying over 30GB is cake in comparison. I'm pretty sure a jailbroken Ipad will be used for BD playback in no time. When that time comes, this product will garner my interest.