The NEXT SW 12" Figure...?

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Well, unfortunately, they've been saying for the last 2 years that armored characters and furry characters and "metal" characters bring challenges that they haven't yet sorted out....

I think with the HT collaboration announcement, they have sorted it out. :rock
I think with the HT collaboration announcement, they have sorted it out. :rock

That being said, what to do? Do I cancel my Medi Fetts and wait for SSC or just keep them? I ask honestly...I've seen pics of the Medi Fett in other threads and it looks AWESOME, but for some reason the thought of cancelling and waiting for SSC continues to float around my head.

God knows I'm NOT trying to open a can of Medi vs. SSC worms... I guess I'm looking to be convinced to keep both Boba and Jango.:confused:
That may very well be the solution. I hope so. HT doids like the Endo would rock.

Come on. This is Sideshow/HT. We know we'll get armored folk characters. We know we'll get droids. And I, for one, know that Chewbacca will happen. Seriously. How can it not? The prospect of a line with no Chewbacca is as stupid a concept as a line with no C3PO/R2D2 and Vader.
That being said, what to do? Do I cancel my Medi Fetts and wait for SSC or just keep them? I ask honestly...I've seen pics of the Medi Fett in other threads and it looks AWESOME, but for some reason the thought of cancelling and waiting for SSC continues to float around my head.

God knows I'm NOT trying to open a can of Medi vs. SSC worms... I guess I'm looking to be convinced to keep both Boba and Jango.:confused:

It's inevitable that some day SS will make a Vader and Fett.

Next year? Maybe. 2 years from now, maybe. Who knows? In the mean time, keep your Fett. Enjoy your Fett. Because 2 years from now, you might not even care if there's an SS Fett on the way.
Come on. This is Sideshow/HT. We know we'll get armored folk characters. We know we'll get droids. And I, for one, know that Chewbacca will happen. Seriously. How can it not? The prospect of a line with no Chewbacca is as stupid a concept as a line with no C3PO/R2D2 and Vader.

or a Highlander line without a Medie.... well you know who....:monkey3
Come on. This is Sideshow/HT. We know we'll get armored folk characters. We know we'll get droids.

Yeah, I can't imagine Sideshow would go to the trouble of partnering with HT simply to produce a new base body. That'd be like going to the fanciest steakhouse in town and just having a salad.
or a Highlander line without a Medie.... well you know who....:monkey3

If Sideshow had been working with HT back when SS possessed the Highlander license, you bet they would have been able to engineer armor for the MEDIEVAL F'N KURGAN!!!!

:rock :rock :rock
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It's inevitable that some day SS will make a Vader and Fett.

Next year? Maybe. 2 years from now, maybe. Who knows? In the mean time, keep your Fett. Enjoy your Fett. Because 2 years from now, you might not even care if there's an SS Fett on the way.

Your right. Thanks for the advice, bro. Oh and thanks to your signature banner, I'm going home to watch Jaws!! :chew
Lando doesn't need armor, he could charm the pants off of anyone:male, female, imperial or rebel.

The man is just that good.
I'd really like to see them step out of their comfort zone. They had a major dip in the first part of 2007 but have pulled things back with Old Ben, Bespin Luke and Palpatine/Sidious. Now I'd like to see them do something that isnt a standard 12" humanoid in soft clothing. They have proven that they can deliver a good 12" product for the $60 price tag now I'd like so see something on a short body, something armoured or maybe a non-standard figure like a Gammorean Guard.

I agree so very much. Watto, a Gonk droid or a Gammorean Guard would be nice for a start.
I just want the next 12" SW to be (don't get me wrong because I ordered both Bespin Luke and Palpy) exciting. Like one of those announcements where you're like, "****, I can't wait!"

Be it Vader, Commander Cody, Bossk, something exciting like that.
We are kind of due for an alien/creature... I mean with Leia, 2x Luke, Ben, Padme and Palpy/Sidious.

If they did a creature, my guess would then be GREEDO. Others might be more interesting, but Greedo is one of the few aliens that actually had a significant scene that has since become very contraversial.

A good, realistic Greedo would be nice... and it would go well with the inevitable ANH Han Solo.
I'd be very happy with a Greedo... he's definitely a cool looking bad guy and would be a fun addition.

Also, the idea of a 1/6 Gonk has me smiling :D

I'd be really happy if one day I can have a corresponding 1/6 figure for all of the Vintage Kenner releases. Even General Madine :lol