The NEXT SW 12" Figure...?

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Now that is damn sexy!!!

If that isn't a 70's look I don't know what is. All he needs is a big fuzzy hat and a cane.
Whats funny is you don't realize how pimp he really looks until he spreads his plummage a bit.

I swear when this figure is made that is how I will pose his ass :rock
Too many humans, lets have some Droids or creatures please. Expansion packs would be great too.
I agree lets mix it up more with creatures, aliens and droids.
We need some military! Bring on the Clones, Stormtroopers, Scoutroopers, Rebel Soldiers, etc
I'd really like to see them step out of their comfort zone. They had a major dip in the first part of 2007 but have pulled things back with Old Ben, Bespin Luke and Palpatine/Sidious. Now I'd like to see them do something that isnt a standard 12" humanoid in soft clothing. They have proven that they can deliver a good 12" product for the $60 price tag now I'd like so see something on a short body, something armoured or maybe a non-standard figure like a Gammorean Guard.
Lando Gay?!? No, my friend, only the ultimate supersmooth ladykiller could pull that off. You must be mistaken.

Well,I was actually referring to the image posted.His pose just looks gay.....sorry :monkey3

I guess i'm in the minority who found the Lando character forced.

Bring on some Aliens,Droids or Troopers :rock
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"I love Empire. Of course I love Empire, let's not waste time questioning my loyalties, but the moment I saw Billy D. in the hizzy I smelled the troubles.

I mean it's great that George Lucas wanted to have an African-Bespinian character in the mix, but then he shows up with the cape and the little bellbottoms and I'm thinking, "Oh, he's gonna help Han and Chewie just as soon as he finishes the magic show for the kids birthday party." I mean, knock knock, common sense trying to get in, door's locked. I'll buy a race of teddy bears with unstoppable tree trunk technology any day over that outfit on a leader."
Am I alone in feeling that Lando would have become a stronger character with a bigger following, if he had stayed dead in Jedi?

Han to Leia at the fleet after giving the falcon to Lando " I just got a Funny Feeling, Like I'm never gonna See her again..."

Originaly , the falcon and lando don't make it out of the death star before it explodes. For whatever reason, this was changed.
Am I alone in feeling that Lando would have become a stronger character with a bigger following, if he had stayed dead in Jedi?

Han to Leia at the fleet after giving the falcon to Lando " I just got a Funny Feeling, Like I'm never gonna See her again..."

Originaly , the falcon and lando don't make it out of the death star before it explodes. For whatever reason, this was changed.

It would have been a bit of a downer for an ending that was all about celebration.
Granted, But It also Would have served to drive home the fact that in war, there are casualties.

Then Again, I think I'm the only person on the plannet that likes all three matrix films as one thing, and perhaps even the third one more than the first two.
Then Again, I think I'm the only person on the planet that likes all three matrix films as one thing, and perhaps even the third one more than the first two.

I like the second one best - that's even rarer! Followed by the third one. This is all based on two scenes (Architect's room and final duel)
i like lando's character and am very glad he and (mostly) the falcon made it out alive.
We haven't played this game in awhile.

Long ago, many guessed Lando... and he still hasn't showed. Greedo was up there too... still, nada.

So now with Ben, Bespin Luke, Princess Leia and Palpatine/Sidious ordered, and knowing there's no droids, Chewbacca, Vader, Fett coming from SS anytime soon... WHO DO YOU THINK IS COMING NEXT?

Soi what makes you all think there is no armored, furry or droid figures in the future? I admit I don't have time to read all the blogs, podcasts etc to keep up with all this stuff, so I ask :)
Soi what makes you all think there is no armored, furry or droid figures in the future? I admit I don't have time to read all the blogs, podcasts etc to keep up with all this stuff, so I ask :)

Well, unfortunately, they've been saying for the last 2 years that armored characters and furry characters and "metal" characters bring challenges that they haven't yet sorted out.

That's not to say that they won't surprise us someday... but with Vader or Chewie or the droids, that's a big surprise and I don't think after years of anticipation that they'd just offer it randomly without some big presentation -- meaning SDCC unveil or ToyFair or something like that.