The Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread

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All I want is a US charecter who doesnt die.
COD4 teased me with false hopes that he would live after the chopper crash..
So you swear by a gun that takes no skill to use what so ever...haha ok...haha


I can't believe just how rude you are. So just because I prefer a gun with a three-round burst, I'm not as worthy as someone else? That's pretty sad.

I can imagine you are the kind of gamer who ruins online multiplayer experiences for those of us just looking to have fun playing games. I wish I could say I'm sorry for not being what you apparently consider a good COD4 gamer, but I'm not sorry at all.

BTW, I'm only Prestige Level 1 because I don't have all the time in the world to play the game. I work a day job, a night job, do extensive work for a SW fan-site, and try to spend time with my wife. Leveling up to Prestige 10 isn't exactly a high priority.

My condolences to anyone whose on-line experience you've ruined thanks to your attitude. :rolleyes:
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That sort of pisses me off that they're already planning a downloadable map pack. This far off from release couldn't they just make the maps and include them with the game for free?

:lecture :lecture :lecture

At least incorporate ONE of the two packs. Although...perhaps they've loaded up the game with as many multiplayer maps as possible already...

...i hope.
I apologize. It sounded as though you were agreeing with the other guy. I'll edit my post accordingly.

And in that case, thank you. :peace
Hey man, no problems what so ever. I also offer apologies to you.

Check your PM's...

And Karma, thanks for the videos!
Those videos are SICK!!!! I can't believe that the ice mountain is labeled as:

'Cliffhanger'...DAY TWO!!!

What can the rest of the game do to top THAT when it's only the beginning?!