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Question: What's the deal with weapon executions?

Can you only do certain ones after unlocking them, by getting the set amount of kills with it? I'm trying to get that achievement for executing with all weapons, but some weapons won't just ends up with me putting the gun away and punching them . The thing is, I've done executions with weapons i haven't "unlocked" executions for yet.. I'm confused :confused:

in campaign/arcade you can do executions instantly, in MP it takes a specific amount of kills with that weapon to unlock execution
in campaign/arcade you can do executions instantly, in MP it takes a specific amount of kills with that weapon to unlock execution

See that's the weird thing, even in campaign it won't do them. Weapons like the longshot, sawed off and the big weapons like the mortar. All they do is turn into the face punching. Oddly, weapons like the torque bow, which I've done the execution with already, won't do it anymore. It's strange.
hmm never happened to me, you sure weapon is equipped and you hold down not press Y?

Definitely isn't a, holding down the Y button issue.

I think I've figured out the problem. I've been playing in arcade mode during the campaign for the last couple days. That's probably why it isn't doing them. I think it treats Arcade kind of like VS etc... I'll have to test it out when I get home.

Thanks for giving me that campaign info Karma. It helped me brainstorm a possible reason :duff
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Yeah I was going to say most people who arent getting the executions in campaign arent holding down the Y button. I had to tell someone that at work today as well. Karma, Im curious are you the same Karma that played with Bamboota and our group a few days ago?
Yeah I was going to say most people who arent getting the executions in campaign arent holding down the Y button. I had to tell someone that at work today as well. Karma, Im curious are you the same Karma that played with Bamboota and our group a few days ago?

yup :panic::monkey2:lol
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Edit: Didn't realise that the smileys don't work in the spoiler function :D
Played through a good portion of the campaign again tonight. That act 3....

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Carmine was definitely a badazz in this one.
