The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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thanks, can you put Big Explosions, Must Actives, and Enemy Regeneration? can the map be Old Town?
yah I rarely play Old Town for some reason but think its time to give it a try, where do you usually build the base? at the spawn point?
I just dont like the narrow alleys where digger spawns but staying back at spawn and setting base there should work

now this is beautiful, I wonder if they will auction this

alright if youre not up for the challenge its fine, Ill go ask Farina hes always down to play any maps but we dont have all the mutators.
I'd like to play Horde with you fellas, but would personally prefer no mutators. Anyone down to earn it "honestly"? I thought the whole purpose of Horde was the ridiculous challenge it eventually becomes?
took me awhile but just unlocked big head mutator, playing on arcade campaign with that on is pretty funny especially when you go to cut scenes and they are talking helium sounds and the words dont correspond to their mouths