The OFFICIAL Spooktacular 2007 thread!

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Am I too late to enter the contest to win Spike fro Buffy?:monkey2
I still can't figure it out. Sorry I'm joining in a little late, but I've been busy and probably missed out on a lot of Spooktacular stuff.
good luck on that contest. I can't figure it out. Opened every damn vintage monster page and don't see squat. Has to do something with wolfman.
Yeah, I tried all the vintage monsters. Nothing, haha. Oh well, if I can't figure it out I guess it's not my turn to get a human Spike yet.
Hmm, lets see....
Sideshow made 300 Patient zeros which gave them $12,000 in revenue.
Each subsequent release has been and ES of 1000+, not including variations like blue vs green scrubs and the new suit in Spooktacular 560.
They could easily put out a variant Zero around 1500 and generate $67,500 and sell out completely.
They have gone back to the well many times, and they can always say that the original is still unique and a very low ES of 300.
Tripling your initial revenue with no extra costs must seem pretty tempting.
The Spike contest is not on a silver screen monster page hope that helps
Thanks, I figured it wasn't a vintage monster. I'm just wondering if it's too late because I've been searching for a while now and don't know if the contest is over or not. Still haven't found it.
Anything except a rerelease of PZ

Not trying to be a downer buddy, but Unless you work for SSC in the marketing department, how can you possibly know this? I'd not be supriesd if they recycled the sculpt, put him in a pair of jeans and a spooktacular shirt and called him Mort to be honest.
Thank god! I finally found it. It's related to a wolf, i guess. hahahah

Oh, and I wasn't too late. The contest is still on!
I didn't need the hint. I got it awhile ago but I have no interest in the prize so I'm not entering this contest.