Hi guys,
When the first dwarf image was released I too was not entirely convinced but after the second one of Oin & Gloin was released
it feels better. These two look more like I have imagined dwarves should look like, going after Gimlis apperance (this is obviously
becasue it's Gimlis uncle and dad) and the LOTR intro with the dwarf lords and now I'm starting to like Dori, Nori & Ori as well.
As other have written PJ & crew has made a great job making them all so far quite distinct from each other, almost like they
come from different dwarf "cultures", or cities, which probably will be needed for any non-book readers (and perhaps for the
one-time or "occasional" readers as well).
Anyway, I have made my own composition of the two images released so far, with some small tweaks/fixes/brightening/cleanup
and thought I should share. Size is 16:10 proportional so great for use as wallpaper on a widescreen monitor.