I've sent an email to these guys to get more info on them in order to do a more indepth look at them as a company. This would include exactly what their plans are for this line.
SoWarner Bros. apparently handed the toy license (Not the high-end collecbitble license mind you) for The Hobbit to a company called Bridge Direct. What toys does Bridge Direct make, you ask?
Flipping Zhu Zhu Pets and Justin Bieber dolls.
Come on!
EDIT: Here's a link to the news story.
I've sent an email to these guys to get more info on them in order to do a more indepth look at them as a company. This would include exactly what their plans are for this line.
Good thinking. An email couldn't hurt, although it might be a bit early.
The people now in charge of this company worked on the LOTR Toybiz line, which i think is mentioned in the press release. WB had the sense to give it to people who knew what they were doing. I'm sure they'll be fine and just as good.
That I do know but it would be good to know a bit more. Trying to get info for an article for TORn so that way fans can get a good idea of what these guys are all about.
Gonna try not to buy much of the mass market stuff anyway, so I'm not really worried.
I just hope Sideshow comes up with anything 1/6.
(interviewer is a dumb _____)