The Official "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" movie thread *SPOILERS*

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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I may be missunderstanding some previous posts but there seems to be some dissapointment that the 'bridging move' is not taking place. Au contrare methinks. There will be two are my thoughts on this latest news I posted on the S&F forum a short while back when this news surfaced.

I'm hoping I can see where this is leading now.

The Hobbit has truck loads of back story in it which is only hinted at within the book due to it being writtern for children in a very simple style.
It makes sense to explore that back story before you start the Hobbit narative, so to speak, when 12 dwarves come calling. There is the history of Thorins map and Gandlalf's venture into Dol Guldor and there will no doubt be a scene setting for Gollum's entry into the Misty Mountains and his rather unhealthy relationship with the Goblins there.
There is also clearly quite a bit from LOTR appendices which needs to be used within the timeline of The Hobbit and after so to put it into my simple terms I can see the story of The Hobbit being inserted into the middle third of a longer story that is split into 2 films which would just about fit the 'Smaug dies at the end of the first film' statement from GDT.

Sounds good to me and sounds better every time I think about it. Maybe this will expand into 3?
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread


sorry, its difficult to acknowledge liverpool supporters :dunno

:D :peace


Bloody Manure back on top of the heap again.:(:D

The funny thing is that neither TORn nor AICN has picked this up....they're usually pretty much on reporting this kind of stuff. Not necessarily doubting the source, but I find it puzzling.

Still think that there will be some stuff on the White Council and the Battle of the Five Armies. Which would mean Saruman, Galadriel, Elrond, Aragorn. Also, the search and capture/imprisonment of Gollum hopefully will be included somewhere (Galadriel/Lothlorien and Aragorn).

Yes i agree does seem a bit unusual but either way i am going to enjoy it.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Original Hobbits Back for 'LOTR' Prequels?

"In a development that may get 'Lord of the Rings' purists' panties in a bunch, Dominic Monaghan, aka erstwhile Hobbit Merry, tells MTV that Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry may all be back for the 'LOTR' prequel 'The Hobbit' -- despite the fact that they weren't alive during the events of J.R.R. Tolkein's book."

I'm not liking the direction this is taking.

If they were getting these guys together in order to film some additional footage for a super-dee-duper Blu-Ray release, then I'm all for it. But I'm guessing they will be part of the second Hobbit film, in order to tie them all together. And for the record, I'm still not totally convinced about Del Toro having the reins...
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Well since Jackson is the one producing he's going to get the final say, so it will have to be okay with him if it's going to make it in and Jackson hasn't let me down yet so I have faith.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

:lol People will report any damn thing an actor says as a clue to fact.... :lol
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

:lol People will report any damn thing an actor says as a clue to fact.... :lol


Also, if this does indeed become reality PJ has not lead us astray so far and I don't see him doing the fans wrong in the future.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Remember this is the guy who filmed Arwen leading an army of Elves to battle at Helm's Deep. He had the good sense to cut that.... I am sure Frodo et al won't even make the first draft of a script if even that. :lol
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Original Hobbits Back for 'LOTR' Prequels?

"In a development that may get 'Lord of the Rings' purists' panties in a bunch, Dominic Monaghan, aka erstwhile Hobbit Merry, tells MTV that Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry may all be back for the 'LOTR' prequel 'The Hobbit' -- despite the fact that they weren't alive during the events of J.R.R. Tolkein's book."

I'm not liking the direction this is taking.

If they were getting these guys together in order to film some additional footage for a super-dee-duper Blu-Ray release, then I'm all for it. But I'm guessing they will be part of the second Hobbit film, in order to tie them all together. And for the record, I'm still not totally convinced about Del Toro having the reins...

I think it would be good if one or two of the Original Hobbits came back
And yea I do agree with you I'm still not totally convinced about Del Toro I mean I didn't think either of the Hellboy films were that great
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

It could be that they'll film some kind of flashback sequence to be shown at the beginning of The Hobbit just to tie the two movies together for the fans. Maybe Bilbo telling the other hobbits of his tales from his youth, that sort of thing. Either that or Dom could be talking about the second movie bridge with LotRs.

Or it could simply be wishful thinking on his part since the only thing he's done since LOST is his upcoming appearance on "Chuck".
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

:lol People will report any damn thing an actor says as a clue to fact.... :lol


Also, if this does indeed become reality PJ has not lead us astray so far and I don't see him doing the fans wrong in the future.

Absolutely. I remember when EPIII was in pre-production Peter Mayhew claimed that Chewbacca would be responsible for saving the twins (Luke & Leia) and bringing them to Yoda, or something along those lines. Anyway for a short time that was taken as fact.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

lol come on guys. First, what's the source, and second, did they mean the bridge film and not the Hobbit at all? Personally i don't see how we can see Merry, Pippin or Sam again, and Frodo might pop us as he's related to Bilbo, but even then screen time will be limited and you have to wonder what's the point. Those 4 hobbits play no part in the history of middle earth other than in The Lord of the Rings.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

The report grew out of a comment Domanic Monaghan made at the Sundance Film Festival saying he wouldn't mine being in the new movies. Nothing more. :lol
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

lol come on guys. First, what's the source, and second, did they mean the bridge film and not the Hobbit at all? Personally i don't see how we can see Merry, Pippin or Sam again, and Frodo might pop us as he's related to Bilbo, but even then screen time will be limited and you have to wonder what's the point. Those 4 hobbits play no part in the history of middle earth other than in The Lord of the Rings.

Doesn't appear to be a bridge film at this stage but who really knows and im sure they will keep us fans guessing right up until to the premiere.:D
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

