I'm tempted to also get a copy from BB for one of their covers.![]()
It's like crack!![]()
No problem.
I have the regular 3D set coming with the Lenticular GTG, Regular set up with all the cast on it, and I got the Digibook. I got the Gandalf 3D Lenticular mini-poster/card, UT here on the board sent me the Thorin, and Lonnie is sending me Bilbo to complete the 3 card set
I've not heard.
Yup. Should be out Oct/Nov. I expect a firm release date at comic-con this year.
Just got my Hobbit digibooks from Walmart in! I'll be watching the Hobbit tonight suckers!!!![]()
How did you guys work that out??? Simply ordered them from walmart.com?
Since this is only a place-holder until the EE version comes, I'm not really putting that much thinking into where to get this one.
I'm getting the digibook, 3D with Gandalf and Target combo with Lego Bilbo. I'll probably be selling off the combo that comes with the Lego Bilbo, so if anyone wants it, let me know. I'll sell it for cheap.
I'm thinking about getting the Best Buy one now that I see it has that leticular slip and exclusive doc.
Damn you Hobbitses!!!
I'm not a fan of vudu to be honest. I much prefer it when they offer it through iTunes.