looking at Smaug and boy he's got alotta spines on his head...big ones too
Look at the scene before Thror drops and loses the Arkenstone...freeze frame it/slow mo....He's got some large spikes...and a big mouth...I'm not saying it's shown with super clarity...but it's there...and cool
going to watch it tonite on sling's 120" HD lcd 3D projector.
hopefully the golum scene dosent seem as long as when I saw it in december. I almost fell asleep when they where playing the games in the cave.
Got my Wal-Mart exclusive Blu-Ray in the mail. Watched the movie with the kids last night. Looking forward to the same tonight!
Awesome movie! Up there in my top ten all-time despite the pathetic interpretation of Radagast and the Goblin King.
I am hoping that after 70 or 80 viewings, those two abominations with stop making me wretch.
Never got the hate for Radagast. I personally thought Radagast fit perfectly in the film and really enjoyed his character.
I liked the goblin king, but was very disappointed with his and the regular goblins' designs.
I don't know if it will change it much. The Hobbit is both a book and movie you either like or not. It all depends on how much you are into Middle-earth. IMO it's a great scene and captures the book in amazing fashion.