the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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Boba Fett said:
Mookey, I may consider selling it, as I am more of a scifi fan than horror.

But I will let you know when I get it. I may suddenly get attached to it. :)

is it the regular one or the SSE?
Boba Fett said:
Mookey, I may consider selling it, as I am more of a scifi fan than horror.

But I will let you know when I get it. I may suddenly get attached to it. :)

yeah, let me know. one of my fave Chaney films.
ok this is my first year and i was wondering where the banners are located(the spooktacular ones and the ghosts)? when they pop-up do they replace the banner that is always below the "recommendations" or do they show up somewhere else on the page? also are they located on the product's page or the spooktacular page?
creature4000 said:
awe come on! :monkey2 You know how long this thread is!!???
Post #232 in this thread. Usually the deals will be below the purchase button or off to the side in a banner. (that i've noticed anyhoo)
just click some of the links that have been posted. You'll get an idea of what the banners look like and where they are located
todoelresto said:
Sorry if that is clear for you :eek: , but I didn't understand what to do when I find all the words of the Scavenger Hunt.
Is there a kint of form to fill with the 15 words?
if it's that, where is the link to fill that form?

Thanks a lot and good luck to all

Everything you need to know is contained on this page:

Yes, there will be a form at the end. You will not have access to the online form until you find the last (15th) clue word. With that word, a link will be posted to lead you to the form. If you submit all 15 words (SPELLED CORRECTLY WITH NO EXTRA SPACES AT THE BEGINNING OR END) it will take you to the LAST challenge (a trivia question - and this year's a doozy).

To be nice, we will post the time that we will put up the clue for the 15th word with the 14th word. You will have the clue for the 14th word with plenty of time before the 15th is scheduled to go up (on Tues).

REMEMBER, all time are Pacific Time. If you need to know what time that is, the clock at the top of every page on will tell you. You can also click that clock and it will take you to a very helpful time zone page.

Good luck everyone!!!!
So when's the chat starting today? I hope it's not 3 am EU time again:D .
Oh also, just to relive some good memories --> my ultimate spooktacular creation aka Turkeypoly! (for those who remember)

Boba Fett said:

Guess the free deal with the 12" Hunchback of Notre Dame is gone. Well, I hope someone took advantage of it.

flyandfight got it:cool: