I like predators,
good movie, good actors,
good preds,
I just, I just hate that two preds were almost not needed, the movie could have been fine with 2 or just 1, I mean, predators is a better movie than AVP but, in a weird way I feel the preds got the same treatment as they did in AVP, 3 preds, one of them dies suddenly, barely any screen time (chopper/tracker) second pred has more screen time but not really and gets killed off (Celtic/ falconer) then the main one remains to the end until he gets killed,
(I know there was Classic but Im talking about the main 3)
I know they wanted to bring the suspense back and all that, yadda yadda, and the first time I saw the movie yeah I was like "cool" but now I have to fast forward the first 20 minutes, I mean, is not the same as the first predator, that one had a lot of suspense and everything but like I said, 1 pred, Arnold, everyone was awesome, there was also more stuff going on, even the reason they go there is not the predator itself, is their mission, In predators it gets so slow in the beginning,
I kinda hate when characters have to meet each other in the movie, I mean, is just me, but Predators had 3 preds, and it doesn't have that much action until the end, pred and pred 2 movies, there was suspense but there was a lot of stuff going on besides the preds presence, there was combat going on between humans in both movies, so, it keeps you interested, is a lot of fun to watch, Predators kinda drags in the beginning.
I Still like Predators, I liked the new preds, but, I wish it was better directed, Even Robert Rodriguez says to the director in the DVD commentary" I like how you didn't show the preds until way later, if I was directing this movie I would have shown the preds Way Before lol" and, well, I would have liked to see predators directed by him, he would have develop them more...
I guess what I mean is that, it could have been better, but is not a bad movie, not like the avps lol