- Quinn actually uses the cloacking device to get to the nearest city and send alien items to US.
- He's captured by Stargazer company (I have no idea who they are) and CIA agent (Sterling K. Brown)
- The town where Quinn's son lives is in Georgia
- The captured Perdator is after Quinn's son to get the comp tech
- The Super-Predator kills the runaway Predator and chases after Rory and Quinn, until Quinn throws the comp out of the car's window. Super-Predator takes it and leaves, but Quinn, Rory and Casey are captured by Stargazer mercs
- Predator's planet is gradually cooling down and they're preping for mass migration to Earth, which one/two generations away from global warming
- Stargazer guys are quickly killed and the trio of lead characters are taken by US military to the famous Area 51 (along with the Ark - Super-Predator's ship that was stolen by runaway Pred), where it turns out mankind has been waging a cold war with Predators for many years
Casey and Rory guess that all mutant hybrids' collars has self-destruction mechanism. Rory learns how to operate the Ark and escape-pods Casey with the transmitter. When she flies past hybrids explode. After Rory lands the Ark on a nearest school's football field Super-Predator appears, kills defector Preds and takes Rory as a most worthy opponent (the boy blew up all his hybrids and learned to fly a spaceship). Quinn is to late to stop this and rushes to the surface of the spaceship, which is then gets fired at by F-22 fighter jets. Quinn has to jump from the ship and rolls on its force field's invisible surface against the background of fire and explosions, then sees an escape pod hatch, opens it and fires in. The field turns off, Quinn falls but manages to grab the pilots of a downed F-22 mid-air. They land on a Florida swamp, near the fallin' Ark.
During the final battle with the Super-Pred Rory cuts off its arm with Ark's field, Casey uses pred camouflage and cuts off its dreadlocks, Quinn shoots at it with a sniper rifle. Eventually, Quinn mortally wounds the creature with its own arm and a self-destruction collar. The trio then waks to the arrived helicopter... Dutch meets them and tells that the real war with the Predators only just begun.