Says the hockey fan 
Says the hockey fan![]()
I understand that some don't like or get wrestling, but if you can appreciate it for what it is, there is some really good stuff out there. It is a form of performance art. It isn't just the stereotype that some imagine it to be (though some wrestlers do embody that stereotype).
Personally, I'm not a fan of the blading, though, except in a few rare instances where it really helps to make a match really great (like Austin/Bret Hart at WM 13). Guys start to over-use it as a cheap means of getting "heat" when they can't do it on ability alone anymore. Flair is an example in his last few years. I think Dusty Rhodes gets a bit more credit than he deserves as an in-ring performer because he bled so damn much. The better wrestlers would use it in extreme moderation, IMO. If they bled, those guys would typically be bleeding for real.
And to Mask's earlier post, I agree that the Misawa/Kobashi matches are excellent. Since Vince isn't concerned with the smaller, technical-type wrestlers, I have often wished that WWE would focus more on the stiff, All Japan style. But I can't imagine what that does to a guy's body.
Fake blood
More Fake blood
The blood is usually real. Wouldn't be as "realistic" if they tried to use blood packets somehow.They never use a fake blood pack or anything?
If that's the case, and they really are "blading" that actually lowers my respect for the sport/art/entertainment.
The blood is usually real. Wouldn't be as "realistic" if they tried to use blood packets somehow.
That stuff on Flair is 100% real. Pumps out the head and gets worse as the match goes on--can't fake that.
I used to enjoy wrestling, but it's been unwatchable the last 6 years or so.
Its been a full 10 years since i've watched the WWE (then WWF) I stopped watching when The Rock took off to persue a movie career.
sorry, that word "career" made me laugh. a guy that could have been one of the greatest names in wrestling of all time went to hollywood (which is fair enough), made some pretty decent action movies and could have been a great action star, the chose some terrible movies, and finally sells his soul to disney. so now he's left in the middle of nowheresville. don't get me wrong, i absolutely loved the rock. but both as a wrestling fan and a movie fan, i lost quite a bit of respect for him because of his choices.
but you probably left around the right time voorhees. that was a great era. you missed the return of shawn michaels though.
that whole video was hilarious. i don't like hellwig (i refuse to call him by his legal name of "warrior") because he's basically a nazi and he never paid his dues to be where he was. and he's the worst "wrestler" i've probably ever seen. but i agree, he had personality and showmanship and completely agree there's a lot of faceless wrestlers in the wwe now. especially all the new heels. they all seem to be the "arrogant cocky young upstart" gimmick. pretty dull. i think that's why i like cm punk and jericho so much. they're different at least. but jericho's act is getting old now too. wish they'd give him something new to do.
i'd say ever since kurt angle left in 2006 it's been going downhill steadily. 2005-6 was a bad era i think with the guerrero and benoit tragedies. it's just mainly crap now.
is it just me or is matt striker just brain-gratingly annoying. he really pisses me off. No JR and PG rating means WWE is just stale.