The Right to Responsible Gun Ownership

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So what you're arguing for is a legally disarmed populace. You do not think that the general populace can be trusted with firearms. Only police and military should be armed. The rest need to be hunted down and confiscated.

When it comes right down to it, you are one frightening mofo.
Ok I read it wrong and yes thats very morbid. As I said its not something I thought about growing up. No, those are used. Those are just things gun lovers use to belittle the topic at hand. Yes, crazy people do crazy things but you would see a dip and a major one in the murder rate. I'm saying if you toughen the laws we have and make better ones.
I'm of the belief that whenever somebody says, "There oughtta be a law.." there usually oughtn't. Do you not feel babied enough by the government that you want more of your rights infringed on?

"And you didn't respond to what I said about handguns. Handguns are the majority of gun crimes in America. NOT assault rifles. Yet, you support our right to keep our handguns. Taking away our assault rifles will not chip very much off of the murder rate at all. Take away our handguns? Maybe you would see an effective chip. But taking away either is unconstitutional."
I'm the one who wrote that.

There was no typo. I've never said I agree with censorship. I just said that people think the first amendment means they can say whatever the hell they want and it doesn't. It was meant that you can say your disagreements against your government and not get in trouble. Not be able to just say you think someone is an _______. Again, its something many scholars who know far more than I have stated over the years.
Freedom of Speech. Just look at the words. Freedom. Of. Speech. Freedom to say what you want. Freedom to draw cartoons lampooning politicians. Freedom to start internet blogs about Michelle Obama being a Sapphire. And freedom to talk the way you want to talk. Calling someone an _______ is rude, but not illegal. If it was illegal to curse, you'd make criminals out of a LOT of good people, and that's all we need; more innocent, harmless people crowding our prisons with the nonviolent potheads stuck there wasting our taxpayers' money.

I think they would have issues with how some have tried to bend the laws their direction. Some of them were strong christians and some didn't believe. I personally will not judge them for being either way. I must have missed where we are trying to outlaw things they gave us.
You're the one trying to "amend the Constitution" to take away our assault rifles. And very few of the prominent ones were "strong christians." This is not a Christian nation, despite what the Bush Administration tried to have us believe. And your quote about Americans not being blind sheep? Bush WAS technically elected the second time.

Wasn't trying to distract you. Was just adding that to my comment there. No offense I don't give a damn that you're a female. You are correct its that one style I don't think anyone outside the military should have. Sorry the cell phone example doesn't fly
The cell phone example is there to prove the point that just because YOU PERSONALLY don't like something, that doesn't mean we should all agree to make it go away. You are obviously biased against certain gun owners, including me, as I own an M-4 and an M-16.

I don't think skinheads should be able to get swastikas tattooed on their bodies. It's hurtful, offensive, and embodies (and advertises) their hatred for so many different groups of people. But just because I, personally, don't like it, it is their legal right to put whatever tattoo they want on their bodies, and I don't expect it to be any other way. You outlaw swastikas and pretty soon they'll outlaw crosses, Stars of David, any kind of religious or political-themed tattoo.

You just cannot trust our government to stop at the one thing. When they get their foot in the door, they pry that sucker open very easily. And right now there is a liberal in the White House. I don't know his stance on guns, personally, but I know that most liberals would love to get rid of them.

Back to my point, your personal bias is not grounds for the government to take away my M-4. "I don't like it, so make it go away" is a self-centered credo of religious fanatics. Not saying you're one of them, but I'm getting small hints that you do tend to swing that way with your political beliefs.

Don't worry I've been quite logical the entire time. You're correct some will manage to get out there. However, its better to have them not be available makes it easier to track down where the others came from.
"Some"? Let's make a parallel. Drugs. You make it illegal to possess, cultivate, or smoke marijuana and you're making criminals out of nonviolent, otherwise law-abiding citizens. You're also creating a black market, which makes everything more dangerous. Has the "War on Drugs" been effective? NO. Not in the slightest. It's a lot of taxpayers' money going to waste. And people still smoke pot all over the country. I could make the same parallel about prostitution (which I also believe should be legalized).

Now semi-automatic rifles, first of all there is already a black market for people avoiding the background check. These people DO tend to be violent offenders, and buy the guns for that reason. If you officially ban the legal selling of them, and even go so far as to TAKE the guns people already have, you're going to piss off a LOT of nonviolent, law-abiding citizens and maybe even incite some of them to become the violent sort. Either way you're turning all of them into criminals. And we're talking a LOT of American citizens, turning criminal for ownership of these guns. Because a LOT of people do agree with me about the 2nd Amendment's purpose to be ready to overthrow a tyrannical government (which by the way our government isn't exactly a shining example of a modern country's government). You take their guns, they're gonna get them back on the black market. You're creating criminals.
I'm of the belief that whenever somebody says, "There oughtta be a law.." there usually oughtn't. Do you not feel babied enough by the government that you want more of your rights infringed on?

Well, what if there wasnt a law against murder or rape? Would you feel the same way? Of course there are always things I wish the government wouldn't do. However, I will trust them to do as much right as they can.

"And you didn't respond to what I said about handguns. Handguns are the majority of gun crimes in America. NOT assault rifles. Yet, you support our right to keep our handguns. Taking away our assault rifles will not chip very much off of the murder rate at all. Take away our handguns? Maybe you would see an effective chip. But taking away either is unconstitutional."
I'm the one who wrote that.

There are already laws in place for handguns. They just need to be enforced better and loopholes closed. As I've said there is no sane logical reason to own military grade weapons. I mean if you're cool with folks owning military grade weapons like assault rifles then what about: Grenades, rpgs, C4, etc

I mean check out this site. You're ok with people being able to own this ____? I'm sorry that scares the ____ out of me to think people owning this. I fear gun nuts much more than my government.

Gun Site

Freedom of Speech. Just look at the words. Freedom. Of. Speech. Freedom to say what you want. Freedom to draw cartoons lampooning politicians. Freedom to start internet blogs about Michelle Obama being a Sapphire. And freedom to talk the way you want to talk. Calling someone an _______ is rude, but not illegal. If it was illegal to curse, you'd make criminals out of a LOT of good people, and that's all we need; more innocent, harmless people crowding our prisons with the nonviolent potheads stuck there wasting our taxpayers' money.

I don't give a ____ about the words as you're spinning them. I give a ____ about how the actual amendment is put together. Its great we get to use it out of context but sorry the way it was put together was simply to have freedom to be able to talk about our government that is all. There's no reason to go after Michelle Obama she's not a political figure just a wife with kids as far as I'm concerned. You're right its rude but technically its not the way the amendment was meant.

You're the one trying to "amend the Constitution" to take away our assault rifles. And very few of the prominent ones were "strong christians." This is not a Christian nation, despite what the Bush Administration tried to have us believe. And your quote about Americans not being blind sheep? Bush WAS technically elected the second time.

Yeah, I would support that 110%. Many believed and some didn't. You're correct and I agree its not a christian nation but I do believe its a nation of many faiths. I'm not gonna argue about Bush. I didn't vote for him either time.

The cell phone example is there to prove the point that just because YOU PERSONALLY don't like something, that doesn't mean we should all agree to make it go away. You are obviously biased against certain gun owners, including me, as I own an M-4 and an M-16.

Cell Phones hardly cause any problems. Yes, people talking on them can cause car accidents and they ARE making laws to help prevent people from being dip ____s when driving. So its horrible example and not on the same level as a military grade weapon that again you can't give me a logical sane reason to own. I'm sorry knowing people like you that have these weapons doesn't make me feel safe.

You just cannot trust our government to stop at the one thing. When they get their foot in the door, they pry that sucker open very easily. And right now there is a liberal in the White House. I don't know his stance on guns, personally, but I know that most liberals would love to get rid of them.

Thats just wrong that most liberals want to get rid of them. Just not correct. Most folks who can think outside the gun want logical gun laws that protect the masses. Something gun lovers and the NRA don't want.

Back to my point, your personal bias is not grounds for the government to take away my M-4. "I don't like it, so make it go away" is a self-centered credo of religious fanatics. Not saying you're one of them, but I'm getting small hints that you do tend to swing that way with your political beliefs.

My bias is because there is no safe, sane, logical reason for you to own a military grade weapon. As I said earlier if we keep letting people own those why not nukes, dirty bombs, C4, grenades, etc. Nope, thats not me at all. I'm very much a moderate. I have a strong faith but if I was in charge I wouldn't govern by it.

"Some"? Let's make a parallel. Drugs. You make it illegal to possess, cultivate, or smoke marijuana and you're making criminals out of nonviolent, otherwise law-abiding citizens. You're also creating a black market, which makes everything more dangerous. Has the "War on Drugs" been effective? NO. Not in the slightest. It's a lot of taxpayers' money going to waste. And people still smoke pot all over the country. I could make the same parallel about prostitution (which I also believe should be legalized).

I would have no problem if they made marijuana legal. None at all. Other drugs is a whole different story just because of the harm that can be done with them.

Now semi-automatic rifles, first of all there is already a black market for people avoiding the background check. These people DO tend to be violent offenders, and buy the guns for that reason. If you officially ban the legal selling of them, and even go so far as to TAKE the guns people already have, you're going to piss off a LOT of nonviolent, law-abiding citizens and maybe even incite some of them to become the violent sort. Either way you're turning all of them into criminals. And we're talking a LOT of American citizens, turning criminal for ownership of these guns. Because a LOT of people do agree with me about the 2nd Amendment's purpose to be ready to overthrow a tyrannical government (which by the way our government isn't exactly a shining example of a modern country's government). You take their guns, they're gonna get them back on the black market. You're creating criminals.

I don't think people should own semi-autos either. Again for the same reasons. People are gonna get pissed cause you have a lot of people who worship at the alter of the gun a little too hard. If you dont like our government you can always leave. Just saying. Go live in Iran and see if you like it there.
Basically, people owning assault or other military grade weapons doesn't make me feel safe. It scares me that people own this ____. Its been fun but at this point we're going in circles. I respect your right to feel that way. Until the time comes when things change I guess we deal with things as they are.
Or spears and rocks. :lecture

Heinlein was a genius. He also said, "Never shoot at tax collectors when drunk. You may miss."

And the purpose of the government isn't to make Josh feel safe; its purpose is to protect the rights of all citizens, whether them having rights scares Josh or not.

I think it's funny that whenever Josh gets to a point where he's losing the argument, where his canned answers no longer have any effect on the logic that supports his opponents views, and he's at the point of having to repeat himself over and over, it's always "we" who is going in circles.

I also think it's funny that I get to say all these things without having to read a giant post from Josh in response.
Lol...yes, I concur. Heinlein was an awesome dude. And this thread is the multi-quote duel of fates. I was listening to this while skimming through Josh and Cloud's posts:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I guess it's ok to speak freely in this thread, so I can say that in the other thread, I was mocking a poster who suggested that society as a whole was responsible for ingenius advancements in technology.

Of course there are geniuses.
Have no fear President Camacho is here to fix everything!

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Lol...yes, I concur. Heinlein was an awesome dude. And this thread is the multi-quote duel of fates. I was listening to this while skimming through Josh and Cloud's posts:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


I guess I'm Darth Maul, since guns are so eeeevil and scary. But then, Josh doesn't have an Obi-Wan to back him up....
We give and let idiots drive vehicles, hell why not give them guns too.
So then, should I have the right to own a bazooka and land mine my yard? I've got a lot of wild cats around here.

Can a fling a small nuke at my neighbor because damn he deserves it! :lol
Well, what if there wasnt a law against murder or rape? Would you feel the same way? Of course there are always things I wish the government wouldn't do. However, I will trust them to do as much right as they can.
Murder and rape are a lot different than "I don't like cigarette smoke so there oughtta be a law against smoking in every building." (Smoking bans, such BS - and I don't even smoke.) There's such a difference that it's insane you'd even try to compare them. You know exactly what I meant. "There oughtta be a law against people who park on the wrong side of the street (or park in front of my house)!" "There oughtta be a law against people who spit their gum onto the sidewalk!" Or one of my favorites, "There oughtta be a law against public protesting in Washington D.C...There's such thing as a time and a place." :cuckoo:

There are already laws in place for handguns. They just need to be enforced better and loopholes closed. As I've said there is no sane logical reason to own military grade weapons. I mean if you're cool with folks owning military grade weapons like assault rifles then what about: Grenades, rpgs, C4, etc

I mean check out this site. You're ok with people being able to own this ____? I'm sorry that scares the ____ out of me to think people owning this. I fear gun nuts much more than my government.

Gun Site
Don't fear the gun nuts, most gun nuts are there to PROTECT YOU against the government encroaching on your freedoms. That, along with teaching responsible gun ownership, is what the NRA is all about.

I don't give a ____ about the words as you're spinning them. I give a ____ about how the actual amendment is put together. Its great we get to use it out of context but sorry the way it was put together was simply to have freedom to be able to talk about our government that is all. There's no reason to go after Michelle Obama she's not a political figure just a wife with kids as far as I'm concerned. You're right its rude but technically its not the way the amendment was meant.
I wasn't going after Michelle Obama. I have nothing against her but I happen to know there is a HUGE smear campaign about her being disrespectful and cynical and angry.

And spinning the words "freedom of speech"? JUST LOOK AT THOSE WORDS. Take them out of the context of the rest of the amendment. I wasn't spinning anything. I know that they wrote it about criticizing government officials and laws, but you honestly think it also doesn't protect our rights to say what we feel we need to say? Were you being unconstitutional when you said, over and over, you don't give a ____ about many of the points I'm bringing up? Should you be fined $10,000 like the FCC loves to do to Howard Stern and ManCow? Cursing is a matter of self-respect and respect for others, not something that should be legally mandated because it's not protected under the first amendment. Do you think this is North Korea or something?

Yeah, I would support that 110%. Many believed and some didn't. You're correct and I agree its not a christian nation but I do believe its a nation of many faiths. I'm not gonna argue about Bush. I didn't vote for him either time.
Well obviously you didn't vote for Bush. Neither did I.

Cell Phones hardly cause any problems. Yes, people talking on them can cause car accidents and they ARE making laws to help prevent people from being dip ____s when driving. So its horrible example and not on the same level as a military grade weapon that again you can't give me a logical sane reason to own. I'm sorry knowing people like you that have these weapons doesn't make me feel safe.
FORGET ABOUT THE FREAKING CELL PHONE EXAMPLE. The cell phone isn't what I was talking about. I was talking about YOUR personal fear or dislike for something giving YOU justification to think it should be banned. There are things everyone hates, but that doesn't mean every little thing people hate should be legally outlawed.

I don't get you anyway. You're SO against "military grade" weapons, but you don't care about handguns or hunting rifles or shotguns. Do you not understand that those evil "military grade" assault rifles are responsible for a very small minority of our gun murder rate? Maybe you would stop nuts like the Columbine kids or the Arizona ********* (you know, the ones the media go to town about) but those crimes are so rare compared to gang crime, rape, burglary, and domestic cases where murder happens via gun. Via handgun, usually.

Thats just wrong that most liberals want to get rid of them. Just not correct. Most folks who can think outside the gun want logical gun laws that protect the masses. Something gun lovers and the NRA don't want.
Can I be honest? I used to be VERY liberal. Very anti-establishment, anti-gun, anti-everything conservative. That's where I based my "most liberals want to get rid of guns" comment on. Because when I was one of them (an ignorant sheep in a flock), I knew I was among many people who agreed guns should be illegal. Then I grew up and I realized guns aren't the problem, it's irresponsible and crazy people who pick up those guns that are the problem. I swung big time from liberal, and now I'm somewhere in the middle, can't pigeon-hole me anymore.

There are so many gun laws already, and I know your argument is "well there's loopholes.." even though you have yet to name one of them.

My bias is because there is no safe, sane, logical reason for you to own a military grade weapon. As I said earlier if we keep letting people own those why not nukes, dirty bombs, C4, grenades, etc. Nope, thats not me at all. I'm very much a moderate. I have a strong faith but if I was in charge I wouldn't govern by it.
All right, now you're really going Michael Moore on me. Why not nukes? Why do you think? You accuse me of jargon and now you're throwing weapons of mass destruction at me?

And yeah, sure, you're not basing any of this on your strong faith. It's just a strong personal bias against ONE specific type of weapon that I'm sure has done no real harm to you or anyone you know personally. That's not something religious people do at all.

I would have no problem if they made marijuana legal. None at all. Other drugs is a whole different story just because of the harm that can be done with them.
Alcohol kills more people than cocaine. If alcohol and cigarettes are legal, so should the rest of that crap be. I don't care if you're a boozer, pothead, LSD junkee, whatever is your poison, put whatever you want into your body. Just stay out of my home. If this WAS TRULY a free country, people should be able to do anything they want to themselves as long as they do not hurt others. But that's a whole different topic altogether.

I don't think people should own semi-autos either. Again for the same reasons. People are gonna get pissed cause you have a lot of people who worship at the alter of the gun a little too hard. If you dont like our government you can always leave. Just saying. Go live in Iran and see if you like it there.
Okay can we make something clear here? NOBODY "worships" guns. Nobody sets up "alters" (altars?) and prays to them. That is something you keep saying that is getting very irritating. Guns are not omnipotent beings worthy of prayer. They're inanimate objects. That's just silly to claim people worship their guns.

And maybe it's YOU who should move. Go to Canada or something. Because there are SO MANY scary guns here in the States, and laws to protect the owners of those guns, the scary demonic people that we are. Guns are legal in Canada too but they don't make a big to-do about it like in the US. I think most people reading this thread feel you're the unpatriotic one in this debate, not me.

Basically, people owning assault or other military grade weapons doesn't make me feel safe. It scares me that people own this ____. Its been fun but at this point we're going in circles. I respect your right to feel that way. Until the time comes when things change I guess we deal with things as they are.
Well you can just lay in bed with the covers over your head and shiver there for the rest of your life if you're so scared to death of your fellow Americans. I don't think things are going to change anytime soon.

Yes, we are going in circles, but I'm not the one repeating the same thing over and over. And you don't get the last word.

"Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. "
~Thomas Jefferson